
rwp@Luke:11:21 @{Fully armed} (\kath“plismenos\). Perfect passive participle of \kathopliz“\, an old verb, but here only in the N.T. Note perfective use of \kata\ in composition with \hopliz“\, to arm (from \hopla\, arms). Note indefinite temporal clause (\hotan\ and present subjunctive \phulassˆi\). {His own court} (\tˆn heautou aulˆn\). His own homestead. strkjv@Mark:3:27; strkjv@Matthew:12:29| has "house" (\oikian\). \Aulˆ\ is used in the N.T. in various senses (the court in front of the house, the court around which the house is built, then the house as a whole). {His goods} (\ta huparchonta autou\). "His belongings." Neuter plural present active participle of \huparch“\ used as substantive with genitive.

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