
rwp@Luke:11:7 @{And he} (\kakeinos\). Emphatic. {Shall say} (\eipˆi\). Still the aorist active deliberative subjunctive as in verse 5| (the same long and somewhat involved sentence). {Trouble me not} (\mˆ moi kopous pareche\). \Mˆ\ and the present imperative active. Literally, "Stop furnishing troubles to me." On this use of \kopous parech“\ see also strkjv@Matthew:26:10; strkjv@Mark:14:6; strkjv@Galatians:6:17| and the singular \kopon\, strkjv@Luke:18:5|. {The door is now shut} (\ˆdˆ hˆ thura kekleistai\). Perfect passive indicative, shut to stay shut. Oriental locks are not easy to unlock. From \klei“\, common verb. {In bed} (\eis ten koitˆn\). Note use of \eis\ in sense of \en\. Often a whole family would sleep in the same room. {I cannot} (\ou dunamai\). That is, I am not willing.

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