
rwp@Luke:12:5 @{Whom ye shall fear} (\tina phobˆthˆte\). First aorist passive subjunctive deliberative retained in the indirect question. \Tina\ is the accusative, the direct object of this transitive passive verb (note \apo\ in verse 4|). {Fear him who} (\phobˆthˆte ton\). First aorist passive imperative, differing from the preceding form only in the accent and governing the accusative also. {After he hath killed} (\meta to apokteinai\). Preposition \meta\ with the articular infinitive. Literally, "After the killing" (first aorist active infinitive of the common verb \apoktein“\, to kill. {Into hell} (\eis tˆn geennan\). See on ¯Matthew:5:22|. Gehenna is a transliteration of _Ge-Hinnom_, Valley of Hinnon where the children were thrown on to the red-hot arms of Molech. Josiah (2Kings:23:10|) abolished these abominations and then it was a place for all kinds of refuse which burned ceaselessly and became a symbol of punishment in the other world. {This one fear} (\touton phobˆthˆte\). As above.

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