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* And he said (5707 ) also to the people , When ye see (5632 ) a cloud rise (5723 ) out of the west , straightway ye say (5719 ), There cometh (5736 ) a shower ; and so it is (5736 ). * And when ye see the south wind blow (5723 ), ye say (5719 ), There will be (5704 ) heat ; and it cometh to pass (5736 ). * Ye hypocrites , ye can (5758 ) discern (5721 ) the face of the sky and of the earth ; but how is it that ye do not discern (5719 ) this time ? * Yea , and why even of yourselves judge ye (5719 ) not what is right ? * When thou goest (5719 ) with thine adversary to the magistrate , as thou art in the way , give (5628 ) diligence that thou mayest be delivered (5771 ) from him ; lest he hale (5661 ) thee to the judge , and the judge deliver (5632 ) thee to the officer , and the officer cast (5725 ) thee into prison . * I tell (5719 ) thee , thou shalt not depart (5632 ) thence , till thou hast paid (5632 ) the very last mite .

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