
rwp@Luke:12:58 @{Give diligence to be quit of him} (\dos ergasian apˆllachthai ap' autou\). Second aorist active imperative \dos\ from \did“mi\. \Apˆllachthai\, perfect passive infinitive of \apallass“\ an old verb common, but only twice in the N.T. (here and strkjv@Acts:19:12|). Used here in a legal sense and the tense emphasizes a state of completion, to be rid of him for good. {Hale thee} (\katasurˆi\). Drag down forcibly, old verb, only here in the N.T. {To the officer} (\t“i praktori\). The doer, the proctor, the exactor of fines, the executor of punishment. Old word, only here in the N.T.

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