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ylt @Luke:14:15 @And one of those reclining with him , having heard these things , said to him , 'Happy [is ] he who shall eat bread in the reign of God ;' ylt @Luke:14:16 @and he said to him , 'A certain man made a great supper , and called many , ylt @Luke:14:17 @and he sent his servant at the hour of the supper to say to those having been called , Be coming , because now are all things ready . ylt @Luke:14:18 @'And they began with one consent all to excuse themselves : The first said to him , A field I bought , and I have need to go forth and see it ; I beg of thee , have me excused . ylt @Luke:14:19 @'And another said , Five yoke of oxen I bought , and I go on to prove them ; I beg of thee , have me excused : ylt @Luke:14:20 @and another said , A wife I married , and because of this I am not able to come . ylt @Luke:14:21 @'And that servant having come , told to his lord these things , then the master of the house , having been angry , said to his servant , Go forth quickly to the broad places and lanes of the city , and the poor , and maimed , and lame , and blind , bring in hither . ylt @Luke:14:22 @'And the servant said , Sir , it hath been done as thou didst command , and still there is room . ylt @Luke:14:23 @'And the lord said unto the servant , Go forth to the ways and hedges , and constrain to come in , that my house may be filled ; ylt @Luke:14:24 @for I say to you , that none of those men who have been called shall taste of my supper .'

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