
rwp@Luke:14:28 @{Build a tower} (\purgon oikodomˆsai\). A common metaphor, either a tower in the city wall like that by the Pool of Siloam (Luke:13:4|) or a watchtower in a vineyard (Matthew:21:33|) or a tower-shaped building for refuge or ornament as here. This parable of the rash builder has the lesson of counting the cost. {Sit down} (\kathisas\). Attitude of deliberation. {First} (\pr“ton\). First things first. Songs:in verse 31|. {Count} (\psˆphizei\). Common verb in late writers, but only here and strkjv@Revelation:13:18| in the N.T. The verb is from \psˆphos\, a stone, which was used in voting and so counting. Calculate is from the Latin _calculus_, a pebble. To vote was to cast a pebble (\tithˆmi psˆphon\). Luke has Paul using "deposit a pebble" for casting his vote (Acts:26:10|). {The cost} (\tˆn dapanˆn\). Old and common word, but here only in the N.T. from \dapt“\, to tear, consume, devour. Expense is something which eats up one's resources. {Whether he hath wherewith to complete it} (\ei echei eis apartismon\). If he has anything for completion of it. \Apartismon\ is a rare and late word (in the papyri and only here in the N.T.). It is from \apartiz“\, to finish off (\ap-\ and \artiz“\ like our articulate), to make even or square. Cf. \exˆrtismenos\ in strkjv@2Timothy:3:17|.

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