
rwp@Luke:14:29 @{Lest haply} (\hina mˆpote\). Double final particles (positive and negative with addition of \pote\). Used here with aorist middle subjunctive in \arx“ntai\ (begin). {When he hath laid... and was not able} (\thentos autou... kai mˆ ischuontos\) {to finish} (\ektelesai\). First aorist active infinitive. Note perfective use of \ek\, to finish out to the end. Two genitive absolutes, first, second aorist active participle \thentos\; second, present active participle \ischuontos\. {To mock him} (\aut“i empaizein\). An old verb, \em-paiz“\, to play like a child (\pais\), at or with, to mock, scoff at, to trifle with like Latin _illudere_.

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