
rwp@Luke:16:8 @{His lord commended} (\epˆinesen ho kurios\). The steward's lord praised him though he himself had been wronged again (see verse 1| "wasting his goods"). {The unrighteous steward} (\ton oikonomon tˆs adikias\). Literally, the steward of unrighteousness. The genitive is the case of genus, species, the steward distinguished by unrighteousness as his characteristic. See "the mammon of unrighteousness" in verse 9|. See "the forgetful hearer" in strkjv@James:1:25|. It is a vernacular idiom common to Hebrew, Aramaic, and the _Koin‚_. {Wisely} (\phronim“s\). An old adverb, though here alone in the N.T. But the adjective \phronimos\ from which it comes occurs a dozen times as in strkjv@Matthew:10:16|. It is from \phrone“\ and that from \phrˆn\, the mind (1Corinthians:14:20|), the discerning intellect. Perhaps "shrewdly" or "discreetly" is better here than "wisely." The lord does not absolve the steward from guilt and he was apparently dismissed from his service. His shrewdness consisted in finding a place to go by his shrewdness. He remained the steward of unrighteousness even though his shrewdness was commended. {For} (\hoti\). Probably by this second \hoti\ Jesus means to say that he cites this example of shrewdness because it illustrates the point. "This is the moral of the whole parable. Men of the world in their dealings with men like themselves are more prudent than the children of light in their intercourse with one another" (Plummer). We all know how stupid Christians can be in their co-operative work in the kingdom of God, to go no further. {Wiser than} (\phronim“teroi huper\). Shrewder beyond, a common Greek idiom.

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