
rwp@Luke:17:7 @{Sit down to meat} (\anapese\). Recline (for the meal). Literally, fall up (or back).

rwp@Luke:17:8 @{And will not rather say} (\all' ouk erei\). {But will not say?} \Ouk\ in a question expects the affirmative answer. {Gird thyself} (\periz“samenos\). Direct middle first aorist participle of \periz“nnumi\, to gird around. {Till I have eaten and drunken} (\he“s phag“ kai pi“\). More exactly, till I eat and drink. The second aorist subjunctives are not future perfects in any sense, simply punctiliar action, effective aorist. {Thou shalt eat and drink} (\phagesai kai piesai\). Future middle indicative second person singular, the uncontracted forms \-esai\ as often in the _Koin‚_. These futures are from the aorist stems \ephagon\ and \epion\ without _sigma_.

rwp@Luke:17:9 @{Does he thank?} (\mˆ echei charin;\). \Mˆ\ expects the negative answer. \Ech“ charin\, to have gratitude toward one, is an old Greek idiom (1Timothy:1:12; strkjv@2Timothy:1:3; strkjv@Hebrews:12:28|).

rwp@Luke:17:10 @{Unprofitable} (\achreioi\). The Syriac Sinaitic omits "unprofitable." The word is common in Greek literature, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:25:30| where it means "useless" (\a\ privative and \chreios\ from \chraomai\, to use). The slave who only does what he is commanded by his master to do has gained no merit or credit. "In point of fact it is not commands, but demands we have to deal with, arising out of special emergencies" (Bruce). The slavish spirit gains no promotion in business life or in the kingdom of God.

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