
Seeker Overlay ON

* He entered and was passing through Jericho . * There was a man named Zacchaeus . He was a chief tax collector , and he was rich . * He was trying to see who Jesus was , and couldn 't because of the crowd , because he was short . * He ran on ahead , and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him , for he was to pass that way . * When Jesus came to the place , he looked up and saw him , and said to him , "Zacchaeus , hurry and come down , for today I must stay at your house ." * He hurried , came down , and received him joyfully . * When they saw it , they all murmured , saying , "He has gone in to lodge with a man who is a sinner ." * Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord , "Behold , Lord , half of my goods I give to the poor . If I have wrongfully exacted anything of anyone , I restore four times as much ." * Jesus said to him , "Today , salvation has come to this house , because he also is a son of Abraham . * For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost ." * As they heard these things , he went on and told a parable , because he was near Jerusalem , and they supposed that the Kingdom of God would be revealed immediately . * He said therefore , "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom , and to return . * He called ten servants of his , and gave them ten mina coins , {10 minas was more than 3 years ' wages for an agricultural laborer .} and told them , 'Conduct business until I come .' * But his citizens hated him , and sent an envoy after him , saying , 'We don 't want this man to reign over us .' * "It happened when he had come back again , having received the kingdom , that he commanded these servants , to whom he had given the money , to be called to him , that he might know what they had gained by conducting business . * The first came before him , saying , 'Lord , your mina has made ten more minas .' * "He said to him , 'Well done , you good servant ! Because you were found faithful with very little , you shall have authority over ten cities .' * "The second came , saying , 'Your mina , Lord , has made five minas .' * "So he said to him , 'And you are to be over five cities .' * Another came , saying , 'Lord , behold , your mina , which I kept laid away in a handkerchief , * for I feared you , because you are an exacting man . You take up that which you didn 't lay down , and reap that which you didn 't sow .' * "He said to him , 'Out of your own mouth will I judge you , you wicked servant ! You knew that I am an exacting man , taking up that which I didn 't lay down , and reaping that which I didn 't sow . * Then why didn 't you deposit my money in the bank , and at my coming , I might have earned interest on it ?' * He said to those who stood by , 'Take the mina away from him , and give it to him who has the ten minas .' * "They said to him , 'Lord , he has ten minas !' * 'For I tell you that to everyone who has , will more be given ; but from him who doesn 't have , even that which he has will be taken away from him . * But bring those enemies of mine who didn 't want me to reign over them here , and kill them before me .'" * Having said these things , he went on ahead , going up to Jerusalem . * It happened , when he drew near to Bethsphage {TR , NU read "Bethpage " instead of "Bethsphage "} and Bethany , at the mountain that is called Olivet , he sent two of his disciples , * saying , "Go your way into the village on the other side , in which , as you enter , you will find a colt tied , whereon no man ever yet sat . Untie it , and bring it . * If anyone asks you , 'Why are you untying it ?' say to him : 'The Lord needs it .'" * Those who were sent went away , and found things just as he had told them . * As they were untying the colt , its owners said to them , "Why are you untying the colt ?" * They said , "The Lord needs it ." * They brought it to Jesus . They threw their cloaks on the colt , and set Jesus on them . * As he went , they spread their cloaks in the way . * As he was now getting near , at the descent of the Mount of Olives , the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works which they had seen , * saying , "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord ! {Psalm strkjv @118:26 } Peace in heaven , and glory in the highest !" * Some of the Pharisees from the multitude said to him , "Teacher , rebuke your disciples !" * He answered them , "I tell you that if these were silent , the stones would cry out ." * When he drew near , he saw the city and wept over it , * saying , "If you , even you , had known today the things which belong to your peace ! But now , they are hidden from your eyes . * For the days will come on you , when your enemies will throw up a barricade against you , surround you , hem you in on every side , * and will dash you and your children within you to the ground . They will not leave in you one stone on another , because you didn 't know the time of your visitation ." * He entered into the temple , and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it , * saying to them , "It is written , 'My house is a house of prayer ,' {Isaiah strkjv @56:7 } but you have made it a 'den of robbers '!" {Jeremiah strkjv @7:11 } * He was teaching daily in the temple , but the chief priests and the scribes and the leading men among the people sought to destroy him . * They couldn 't find what they might do , for all the people hung on to every word that he said .

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