
rwp@Luke:2:25 @{Devout} (\eulabˆs\). Used only by Luke (Acts:2:5; strkjv@8:2; strkjv@22:12|) in the N.T. Common in ancient Greek from Plato on. It means taking hold well or carefully (\eu\ and \labein\) and so reverently, circumspectly. {Looking for the consolation of Israel} (\prosdechomenos paraklˆsin tou Israel\). Old Greek verb to admit to one's presence (Luke:15:2|) and then to expect as here and of Anna in verse 38|. {Paraklˆsin} here means the Messianic hope (Isaiah:11:10; strkjv@40:1|), calling to one's side for cheer. {Upon him} (\ep' auton\). This is the explanation of his lively Messianic hope. It was due to the Holy Spirit. Simeon and Anna are representatives of real piety in this time of spiritual dearth and deadness.

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