
rwp@Luke:2:27 @{When the parents brought in the child Jesus} (\en t“i eisagagein tous goneis to paidion Iˆsoun\). A neat Greek and Hebrew idiom difficult to render into English, very common in the LXX; {In the bringing the Child Jesus as to the parents}. The articular infinitive and two accusatives (one the object, the other accusative of general reference). {After the custom of the law} (\kata to eithismenon tou nomou\). Here the perfect passive participle \eithismenon\, neuter singular from \ethiz“\ (common Greek verb, to accustom) is used as a virtual substantive like \to ethos\ in strkjv@1:8|. Luke alone in the N.T. uses either word save \ethos\ in strkjv@John:19:40|, though \ei“tha\ from \eth“\, occurs also in strkjv@Matthew:27:15; strkjv@Mark:10:1|.

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