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* And (note :)Christ , who is now ready to suffer for the rebellion which we raised in this world , is first of all pronounced guiltless , so that it might appear that he suffered not for his own sins (which were none ) but for ours .(:note ) the whole multitude of them arose , and led him unto Pilate . * And they began to accuse him , saying , We found this [fellow ] (note :)Corrupting the people , and leading them into errors .(:note ) perverting the nation , and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar , saying that he himself is Christ a King . * And Pilate asked him , saying , Art thou the King of the Iewes ? And hee answered him , and sayd , Thou sayest it . * Then sayd Pilate to the hie Priests , and to the people , I finde no fault in this man . * But they were the more fierce , saying , He moueth the people , teaching throughout all Iudea , beginning at Galile , euen to this place . * * And as soon as he knew that he belonged unto (note :)This was Herod Antipas the Tetrarch , in the time of whose period of rule (which was almost twenty-two years long ) John the Baptist preached and was put to death , and Jesus Christ also died and rose again , and the apostles began to preach , and various things were done at Jerusalem almost seven years after Christ 's death . This Herod was sent into banishment to Lyons , about the second year of Gaius Caesar .(:note ) Herod 's jurisdiction , he sent him to Herod , who himself also was at Jerusalem at that time . * And when Herod sawe Iesus , hee was exceedingly glad : for he was desirous to see him of a long season , because he had heard many things of him , and trusted to haue seene some signe done by him . * Then questioned hee with him of many things : but he answered him nothing . * The hie Priests also &amp ; Scribes stood forth , and accused him vehemently . * And Herod with his (note :)Accompanied with his nobles and soldiers who followed him from Galilee .(:note ) men of war set him at nought , and mocked [him ], and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe , and sent him again to Pilate . * * * And sayd vnto them , Ye haue brought this man vnto me , as one that peruerted the people : and beholde , I haue examined him before you , and haue found no fault in this man , of those things whereof ye accuse him : * No , nor yet Herod : for I sent you to him : and loe , nothing worthy of death is done of him . * * (For of necessitie hee must haue let one loose vnto them at the feast .) * Then all ye multitude cried at once , saying , Away with him , and deliuer vnto vs Barabbas : * Which for a certaine insurrection made in the citie , and murther , was cast in prison . * Then Pilate spake againe to them , willing to let Iesus loose . * But they cried , saying , Crucifie , crucifie him . * * But they were instant with loude voyces , and required that he might be crucified : and the voyces of them and of the hie Priests preuailed . * So Pilate gaue sentence , that it should be as they required . * And he let loose vnto them him that for insurrection and murther was cast into prison , whome they desired , and deliuered Iesus to doe with him what they would . * * * But Iesus turned backe vnto them , &amp ; said , Daughters of Hierusalem , weepe not for me , but weepe for your selues , and for your children . * For behold , the dayes wil come , when men shall say , Blessed are the barren , and the wombes that neuer bare , and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke . * Then shall they begin to say to the mountaines , Fall on vs : and to the hilles , Couer vs . * For if they do these things in a (note :)As if he said , «If they do this to me who is always fruitful and flourishing , and who lives forever by reason of my Godhead , what will they do to you who are unfruitful and void of all active righteousness ?»(:note ) green tree , what shall be done in the dry ? * And there were two others , which were euill doers , led with him to be slaine . * * * And the people stood beholding . And the rulers also with them derided [him ], saying , He saved others ; let him save himself , if he be Christ , the (note :)Whom God loves more than all others .(:note ) chosen of God . * The souldiers also mocked him , and came and offered him vineger , * And said , If thou be the King of the Iewes , saue thy selfe . * * * But the other answered , and rebuked him , saying , Fearest thou not God , seeing thou art in the same condemnation ? * And we indeed justly ; for we receive the due reward of our deeds : but this man hath done nothing (note :)More than he ought .(:note ) amiss . * And he sayd vnto Iesus , Lorde , remember me , when thou commest into thy kingdome . * And Jesus said unto him , Verily I say unto thee , To day shalt thou be with me in (note :)God made the visible paradise in the eastern part of the world : but that which we behold with the eyes of our mind is the place of everlasting joy and salvation , through the goodness and mercy of God , a most pleasant rest for the souls of the godly , and a most quiet and joyful dwelling .(:note ) paradise . * * * And Iesus cryed with a loude voyce , and sayd , Father , into thine hands I commend my spirit ; when hee thus had sayd , hee gaue vp the ghost . * * And all the people that came together to that sight , beholding the things , which were done , smote their brestes , and returned . * * * Hee did not consent to the counsell and deede of them , which was of Arimathea , a citie of the Iewes : who also himselfe waited for the kingdome of God . * He went vnto Pilate , and asked the body of Iesus , * And tooke it downe , &amp ; wrapped it in a linnen cloth , and laide it in a tombe hewen out of a rocke , wherein was neuer man yet laide . * And that day was the preparation , and the sabbath (note :)Literally , «dawning », and now beginning , for the light of the former day drew toward the going down of the sun , and that was the day of preparation for the feast , that is , the feast which was to be kept the following day .(:note ) drew on . * * And they returned and prepared odours , and ointments , and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandement .

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