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bbe @Luke:3:1 @Now in the fifteenth year of the rule of Tiberius Caesar , Pontius Pilate being ruler of Judaea , and Herod being king of Galilee , his brother Philip king of the country of Ituraea and Trachonitis , and Lysanias king of Abilene , bbe @Luke:3:2 @When Annas and Caiaphas were high priests , the word of the Lord came to John , the son of Zacharias , in the waste land . bbe @Luke:3:3 @And he came into all the country round about Jordan , preaching baptism as a sign of forgiveness of sin for those whose hearts were changed . bbe @Luke:3:4 @As it says in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet , The voice of one crying in the waste land , Make ready the way of the Lord , make his roads straight . bbe @Luke:3:5 @Every valley will be lifted up , and all the mountains and hills made low , and the twisted will be made straight , and the rough ways smooth ; bbe @Luke:3:6 @And all flesh will see the salvation of God . bbe @Luke:3:7 @So he said to the people who went out to him for baptism : You offspring of snakes , at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come ? bbe @Luke:3:8 @Make clear by your acts that your hearts have been changed ; and do not say to yourselves , We have Abraham for our father : for I say to you that God is able from these stones to make children of Abraham . bbe @Luke:3:9 @And even now the axe is put to the root of the trees ; and every tree which does not have good fruit will be cut down and put into the fire . bbe @Luke:3:10 @And the people put questions to him , saying , What have we to do ? bbe @Luke:3:11 @And he made answer and said to them , He who has two coats , let him give to him who has not even one ; and he who has food , let him do the same . bbe @Luke:3:12 @Then tax-farmers came to him for baptism and said to him , Master , what have we to do ? bbe @Luke:3:13 @And he said to them , Do not make an attempt to get more money than the right amount . bbe @Luke:3:14 @And men of the army put questions to him , saying , And what have we to do ? And he said to them , Do no violent acts to any man , and do not take anything without right , and let your payment be enough for you . bbe @Luke:3:15 @And while the people were waiting , and all men were questioning in their hearts about John , if he was the Christ or not , bbe @Luke:3:16 @John made answer , saying to them all , Truly , I give you baptism with water , but one is coming who is greater than I , whose shoes I am not good enough to undo : he will give you baptism with the Holy Spirit , and with fire : bbe @Luke:3:17 @In whose hand is the instrument with which he will make clean his grain ; he will put the good grain in his store , but the waste will be burned in the fire which will never be put out . bbe @Luke:3:18 @And so comforting them with these and other words , he gave the good news to the people ; bbe @Luke:3:19 @But Herod the king , because John had made a protest on account of Herodias , his brother 's wife , and other evil things which Herod had done , bbe @Luke:3:20 @Did this most evil thing of all , and had John shut up in prison . bbe @Luke:3:21 @Now it came about that when all the people had been given baptism , Jesus , having had baptism with them , was in prayer , when , the heaven being open , bbe @Luke:3:22 @The Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove , and a voice came from heaven , saying , You are my dearly loved Son , with whom I am well pleased . bbe @Luke:3:23 @And Jesus at this time was about thirty years old , being the son (as it seemed ) of Joseph , the son of Heli , bbe @Luke:3:24 @The son of Matthat , the son of Levi , the son of Melchi , the son of Jannai , the son of Joseph , bbe @Luke:3:25 @The son of Mattathias , the son of Amos , the son of Nahum , the son of Esli , the son of Naggai , bbe @Luke:3:26 @The son of Maath , the son of Mattathias , the son of Semein , the son of Josech , the son of Joda , bbe @Luke:3:27 @The son of Joanan , the son of Rhesa , the son of Zerubbabel , the son of Shealtiel , the son of Neri , bbe @Luke:3:28 @The son of Melchi , the son of Addi , the son of Cosam , the son of Elmadam , the son of Er , bbe @Luke:3:29 @The son of Jesus , the son of Eliezer , the son of Jorim , the son of Matthat , the son of Levi , bbe @Luke:3:30 @The son of Symeon , the son of Judas , the son of Joseph , the son of Jonam , the son of Eliakim , bbe @Luke:3:31 @The son of Melea , the son of Menna , the son of Mattatha , the son of Nathan , the son of David , bbe @Luke:3:32 @The son of Jesse , the son of Obed , the son of Boaz , the son of Salmon , the son of Nahshon , bbe @Luke:3:33 @The son of Amminadab , the son of Arni , the son of Hezron , the son of Perez , the son of Judah , bbe @Luke:3:34 @The son of Jacob , the son of Isaac , the son of Abraham , the son of Terah , the son of Nahor , bbe @Luke:3:35 @The son of Serug , the son of Reu , the son of Peleg , the son of Eber , the son of Shelah , bbe @Luke:3:36 @The son of Cainan , the son of Arphaxad , the son of Shem , the son of Noah , the son of Lamech , bbe @Luke:3:37 @The son of Methuselah , the son of Enoch , the son of Jared , the son of Mahalaleel , the son of Cainan , bbe @Luke:3:38 @The son of Enos , the son of Seth , the son of Adam , the son of God .

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