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* Tiberius Caesar had been king for fifteen years . Pontius Pilate was the ruler of Judea . Herod was the ruler of Galilee . Herods brother Philip was the ruler of Iturea and Trachonitis . Lysanias was the ruler of Abilene . * Annas and Caiaphas were high priests . At that time God spoke to John in the desert . John was the son of Zechariah . * Then John went to all the country around the Jordan River . He told the people to stop doing wrong things , turn back to God and be baptised . And God would forgive them for the wrong things they did . * Isaiah , the prophet of God , wrote about him long ago in his book : A man is calling out in the desert : "Make the way ready for the Lord . Make the road straight for him . * Every valley will be filled . Every big hill and every small hill will be cut down flat . Crooked roads will be made into straight roads . Bad roads will be made into good roads . * And all people will see that God can save ." * Many people came out to John to be baptised . He said to them , You family of snakes ! Who told you to run away from Gods anger that is coming ? * Do good things that will show you have stopped your wrong ways ! Do not begin to say to yourselves , "We are Abrahams children . "I tell you , God can make children for Abraham from these stones . * The axe is ready to cut down the trees . Every tree that does not have good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire . * The people asked John , What shall we do ? * John answered them , Any man who has two shirts should give one to a man who has none . Any man who has food should do the same . * Tax collectors also came to be baptised . They asked John , Sir , what shall we do ? * He said to them , Do not make people pay more money than you are told to . * Some soldiers also asked him , What shall we do ? He answered them Do not force people . Do not tell lies about people . Do not want more pay than you get . * The people were waiting to see what would happen . They were all asking about John . They thought that he might be the Christ , the great king promised by God long ago . * John said to them all , I baptise you with water . But another person is coming . He is greater than I am . I am not good enough to untie his shoe strings . He will baptise you with the Holy spirit and with fire . * He has a cleaning fan in his hand and will fan his grain very clean . He will put the grain into his storehouse . But he will burn the chaff in the fire that never goes out . * By these words and many other ways , he told the people the good news . * John told Herod the ruler that he had done wrong things . He told him he should not have his brothers wife , Herodias . He also told him about all the other wrong things he had done . * Later on Herod did another wrong thing after all those wrong things . He put John in prison . * When all the other people had been baptised , Jesus was also baptised . While he was talking with God , the sky opened . * The Holy Spirit came down upon him like a dove . And a voice from the sky said , You are my dear Son . I am very pleased with you . * Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his work . The people thought he was Josephs son . Here are the names of Jesus family line : Joseph , Heli , Matthat , Levi , Melchi , Janna , Joseph , Mattathiah , Amos , Nahum , Esli , Naggai , Maath , Mattathiah , Semei , Joseph , Judah , Joannas , Rhesa , Zerubbabel , Shealtiel , Neri , Melchi , Addi , Cosam , Elmodam , Er , Jose , Eliezer , Jorim , Matthat , Levi , Simeon , Judah , Joseph , Jonan , Eliakim , Melea , Menen , Mattathah , Nathan , David , Jesse , Obed , Boaz , Salmon , Nahshon , Amminadab , Ram , Hezron , Perez , Judah , Jacob , Isaac , Abraham , Terah , Nahor , Serug , Reu , Peleg , Eber , Shelah , Cainan , Arphaxad , Shem , Noah , Lamech , Methuselah , Enoch , Jared , Mahalalel , Cainan , Enosh , Seth , Adam . Adam came from God . * missing fehlt /missing

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