
geneva@Luke:3:1 @ Now (note:)John comes at the time foretold by the prophets and lays the foundation of the gospel which is exhibited unto us, setting forth the true observing of the law and free mercy in Christ, which comes after John, using also baptism which is the outward sign both of regeneration and also forgiveness of sins.(:note) in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene,

geneva@Luke:3:2 @

geneva@Luke:3:3 @ And hee came into all the coastes about Iordan, preaching the baptisme of repentance for the remission of sinnes,

geneva@Luke:3:4 @ As it is written in the booke of the sayings of Esaias the Prophet, which saith, The voyce of him that crieth in the wildernes is, Prepare ye the way of the Lord: make his paths straight.

geneva@Luke:3:5 @ Euery valley shalbe filled, and euery mountaine and hill shall be brought lowe, and crooked things shalbe made straight, and the rough wayes shalbe made smoothe.

geneva@Luke:3:6 @ And all flesh shall see the saluation of God.

geneva@Luke:3:7 @ Then said he to the people that were come out to be baptized of him, O generations of vipers, who hath forewarned you to flee from the wrath to come?

geneva@Luke:3:8 @ Bring foorth therefore fruites worthy amendement of life, and beginne not to say with your selues, We haue Abraham to our father: for I say vnto you, that God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham.

geneva@Luke:3:9 @ Nowe also is the axe layed vnto the roote of the trees: therefore euery tree which bringeth not foorth good fruite, shalbe hewen downe, and cast into the fire.

geneva@Luke:3:10 @ Then the people asked him, saying, What shall we doe then?

geneva@Luke:3:11 @ And he answered, and said vnto them, He that hath two coates, let him part with him that hath none: and hee that hath meate, let him doe likewise.

geneva@Luke:3:12 @ Then came there Publicanes also to bee baptized, and saide vnto him, Master, what shall we doe?

geneva@Luke:3:13 @ And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which is (note:)Require no more than that sum that is appointed for the tribute money.(:note) appointed you.

geneva@Luke:3:14 @ And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse [any] falsely; and be content with your (note:)Which was paid to them partly in money and partly in food.(:note) wages.

geneva@Luke:3:15 @

geneva@Luke:3:16 @ Iohn answered, and saide to them all, In deede I baptize you with water, but one stronger then I, commeth, whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to vnloose: hee will baptize you with the holy Ghost, and with fire.

geneva@Luke:3:17 @

geneva@Luke:3:18 @ Thus then exhorting with many other things, he preached vnto the people.

geneva@Luke:3:19 @

geneva@Luke:3:20 @ He added yet this aboue all, that he shut vp Iohn in prison.

geneva@Luke:3:21 @

geneva@Luke:3:22 @ And the holy Ghost came downe in a bodily shape like a doue, vpon him, and there was a voyce from heauen, saying, Thou art my beloued Sonne: in thee I am well pleased.

geneva@Luke:3:23 @

geneva@Luke:3:24 @ The sonne of Matthat, the sonne of Leui, the sonne of Melchi, the sonne of Ianna, the sonne of Ioseph,

geneva@Luke:3:25 @ The sonne of Mattathias, the sonne of Amos, the sonne of Naum, the sonne of Esli, the sonne of Nagge,

geneva@Luke:3:26 @ The sonne of Maath, the sonne of Mattathias, the sonne of Semei, the sonne of Ioseph, the sonne of Iuda,

geneva@Luke:3:27 @ The sonne of Ioanna, the sonne of Rhesa, the sonne of Zorobabel, the sonne of Salathiel, the sonne of Neri,

geneva@Luke:3:28 @ The sonne of Melchi, the sonne of Addi, the sonne of Cosam, the sonne of Elmodam, the sonne of Er,

geneva@Luke:3:29 @ The sonne of Iose, the sonne of Eliezer, the sonne of Iorim, the sonne of Matthat, the son of Leui,

geneva@Luke:3:30 @ The sonne of Simeon, the sonne of Iuda, the sonne of Ioseph, the sonne of Ionan, the sonne of Eliacim,

geneva@Luke:3:31 @ The sonne of Melea, the sonne of Mainan, the sonne of Mattatha, the sonne of Nathan, the sonne of Dauid,

geneva@Luke:3:32 @ The sonne of Iesse, the sonne of Obed, the sonne of Booz, the sonne of Salmon, the sonne of Naasson,

geneva@Luke:3:33 @ The sonne of Aminadab, the sonne of Aram, the sonne of Esrom, the sonne of Phares, the sonne of Iuda,

geneva@Luke:3:34 @ The sonne of Iacob, the sonne of Isaac, the sonne of Abraham, the sonne of Thara, the sonne of Nachor,

geneva@Luke:3:35 @ The sonne of Saruch, the sonne of Ragau, the sonne of Phalec, the sonne of Eber, the sonne of Sala,

geneva@Luke:3:36 @ The sonne of Cainan, the sonne of Arphaxad, the sonne of Sem, the sonne of Noe, the sonne of Lamech,

geneva@Luke:3:37 @ The sonne of Mathusala, the sonne of Enoch, the sonne of Iared, the sonne of Maleleel, the sonne of Cainan,

geneva@Luke:3:38 @ The sonne of Enos, the sonne of Seth, the sonne of Adam, the sonne of God.

geneva@Luke:4:1 @ And (note:)Christ, being carried away (as it were out of the world) into the desert, comes suddenly as if from heaven, having fasted for forty days and overcoming Satan three times, and thus begins his office.(:note) Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,

geneva@Luke:4:2 @ And was there fourtie dayes tempted of the deuil, & in those dayes he did eate nothing: but when they were ended, he afterward was hungry.

geneva@Luke:4:3 @

geneva@Luke:4:4 @ But Iesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not liue by bread only, but by euery word of God.

geneva@Luke:4:5 @ Then the deuill tooke him vp into an high mountaine, and shewed him all the kingdomes of the world, in the twinkeling of an eye.

geneva@Luke:4:6 @ And the devil said unto him, All this (note:)By this word «power» are meant the kingdoms themselves which have the power: and so this is said using the figure of speech metonymy.(:note) power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is This is surely so, for he is prince of the world, but not absolutely, and is the sovereign of it only by permission and request, and therefore he does not truly say that he can give it to whom he will. delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

geneva@Luke:4:7 @ If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be (note:)Out of a high place, from which would be seen a good and first-class country, and thus the devil showed him all countries.(:note) thine.

geneva@Luke:4:8 @ But Iesus answered him, and saide, Hence from mee, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God, and him alone thou shalt serue.

geneva@Luke:4:9 @ Then hee brought him to Hierusalem, and set him on a pinacle of the Temple, and said vnto him, If thou be the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe from hence,

geneva@Luke:4:10 @ For it is written, That hee will giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee:

geneva@Luke:4:11 @ And with their handes they shall lift thee vp, least at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone.

geneva@Luke:4:12 @ And Iesus answered, and said vnto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

geneva@Luke:4:13 @ And when the deuil had ended all the tentation, he departed from him for a litle season.

geneva@Luke:4:14 @ And Iesus returned by the power of the spirite into Galile: and there went a fame of him throughout all the region round about.

geneva@Luke:4:15 @ For he taught in their Synagogues, and was honoured of all men.

geneva@Luke:4:16 @

geneva@Luke:4:17 @ And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had (note:)Their books in those days were rolled up as scrolls upon a ruler: and so Christ unrolled or unfolded it, which is here called «opened».(:note) opened the book, he found the place where it was written,

geneva@Luke:4:18 @ The Spirit of the Lorde is vpon mee, because he hath anoynted me, that I should preach the Gospel to the poore: he hath sent mee, that I should heale the broken hearted, that I should preach deliuerance to the captiues, and recouering of sight to the blinde, that I should set at libertie them that are bruised:

geneva@Luke:4:19 @ And that I should preache the acceptable yeere of the Lord.

geneva@Luke:4:20 @ And hee closed the booke, and gaue it againe to the minister, and sate downe: and the eyes of all that were in the Synagogue were fastened on him.

geneva@Luke:4:21 @ Then he began to say vnto them, This day is the Scripture fulfilled in your eares.

geneva@Luke:4:22 @

geneva@Luke:4:23 @ Then he said vnto them, Ye will surely say vnto mee this prouerbe, Physician, heale thy selfe: whatsoeuer we haue heard done in Capernaum, doe it here likewise in thine owne countrey.

geneva@Luke:4:24 @ And he saide, Verely I say vnto you, No Prophet is accepted in his owne countrey.

geneva@Luke:4:25 @ But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the (note:)Land of Israel; {{See Mar_15:33}}.(:note) land;

geneva@Luke:4:26 @ But vnto none of them was Elias sent, saue into Sarepta, a citie of Sidon, vnto a certaine widowe.

geneva@Luke:4:27 @ Also many lepers were in Israel, in the time of Eliseus the Prophet: yet none of them was made cleane, sauing Naaman the Syrian.

geneva@Luke:4:28 @

geneva@Luke:4:29 @ And rose vp, and thrust him out of the citie, and led him vnto the edge of the hil, whereon their citie was built, to cast him downe headlong.

geneva@Luke:4:30 @ But he passed through the middes of them, and went his way,

geneva@Luke:4:31 @ And came downe into Capernaum a citie of Galile, and there taught them on the Sabbath dayes.

geneva@Luke:4:32 @ And they were astonied at his doctrine: for his worde was with authoritie.

geneva@Luke:4:33 @ And in the Synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an vncleane deuill, which cryed with a loude voyce,

geneva@Luke:4:34 @

geneva@Luke:4:35 @ And Iesus rebuked him, saying, Holde thy peace, and come out of him. Then the deuill throwing him in the middes of them, came out of him, and hurt him nothing at all.

geneva@Luke:4:36 @ So feare came on them all, and they spake among themselues, saying, What thing is this: for with authoritie and power he commaundeth the foule spirits, and they come out?

geneva@Luke:4:37 @ And ye fame of him spred abroad throughout all the places of the countrey round about.

geneva@Luke:4:38 @

geneva@Luke:4:39 @ Then he stoode ouer her, and rebuked the feuer, and it left her, and immediatly she arose, and ministred vnto them.

geneva@Luke:4:40 @ Now at the sunne setting, all they that had sicke folkes of diuers diseases, brought them vnto him, and he layd his hands on euery one of them, and healed them.

geneva@Luke:4:41 @

geneva@Luke:4:42 @

geneva@Luke:4:43 @ But he sayd vnto them, Surely I must also preach the kingdome of God to other cities: for therefore am I sent.

geneva@Luke:4:44 @ And hee preached in the Synagogues of Galile.

geneva@Luke:5:1 @ And (note:)Christ reveals to the four disciples whom he had taken unto himself the office of the apostleship, which would be committed unto them in the future.(:note) it came to pass, that, as the people Did as it were lie upon him, so desirous were they both to see him and hear him, and therefore he taught them out of a ship. pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,

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