
rwp@Luke:6:12 @{He went out into the mountains to pray} (\exelthein auton eis to oros proseuxasthai\). Note \ex-\ where strkjv@Mark:3:13| has {goeth up} (\anabainei\). Luke alone has "to pray" as he so often notes the habit of prayer in Jesus. {He continued all night} (\ˆn dianuktereu“n\). Periphrastic imperfect active. Here alone in the N.T., but common in the LXX and in late Greek writers. Medical writers used it of whole night vigils. {In prayer to God} (\en tˆi proseuchˆi tou theou\). Objective genitive \tou theou\. This phrase occurs nowhere else. \Proseuchˆ\ does not mean "place of prayer" or synagogue as in strkjv@Acts:16:13|, but the actual prayer of Jesus to the Father all night long. He needed the Father's guidance now in the choice of the Apostles in the morning.

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