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bbe @Luke:7:1 @After he had come to the end of all his words in the hearing of the people , he went into Capernaum . bbe @Luke:7:2 @And a certain captain had a servant who was very dear to him ; this servant was ill and near to death . bbe @Luke:7:3 @And when news of Jesus came to his ears , he sent to him rulers of the Jews , requesting that he would come and make his servant well . bbe @Luke:7:4 @And they , when they came to Jesus , made their request warmly , saying , bbe @Luke:7:5 @It is right for you to do this for him , because he is a friend to our nation , and himself has put up a Synagogue for us . bbe @Luke:7:6 @And Jesus went with them . And when he was not far from the house , the man sent friends to him , saying , Lord , do not give yourself trouble : for I am not important enough for you to come into my house : bbe @Luke:7:7 @And I had the feeling that I was not even good enough to come to you : but say the word only , and my servant will be well . bbe @Luke:7:8 @For I , myself , am a man under authority , having men under me ; and I say to this one , Go , and he goes ; and to another , Come , and he comes ; and to my servant , Do this , and he does it . bbe @Luke:7:9 @And when these things were said to Jesus , he was surprised , and , turning to the mass of people coming after him , said , I have not seen such great faith , no , not in Israel . bbe @Luke:7:10 @And when those who were sent came back to the house they saw that the servant was well . bbe @Luke:7:11 @And it came about , after a little time , that he went to a town named Nain ; and his disciples went with him , and a great number of people . bbe @Luke:7:12 @Now when he came near the door of the town , a dead man was being taken out , the only son of his mother , who was a widow : and a great number of people from the town were with her . bbe @Luke:7:13 @And when the Lord saw her , he had pity on her and said to her , Be not sad . bbe @Luke:7:14 @And he came near , and put his hand on the stretcher where the dead man was : and those who were moving it came to a stop . And he said , Young man , I say to you , Get up . bbe @Luke:7:15 @And the dead man got up , and words came from his lips . And he gave him to his mother . bbe @Luke:7:16 @And fear came on all , and they gave praise to God , saying , A great prophet is among us : and , God has given thought to his people bbe @Luke:7:17 @And this story about him went through all Judaea and the places round about . bbe @Luke:7:18 @And the disciples of John gave him an account of all these things . bbe @Luke:7:19 @Then John sent two of his disciples to the Lord , saying , Are you he who is to come , or are we waiting for another ? bbe @Luke:7:20 @And when the men came to him they said , John the Baptist has sent us to you , saying , Are you he who is to come , or are we waiting for another ? bbe @Luke:7:21 @At that time , he made a number of people free from their diseases and their pains , and from evil spirits ; and to others who were blind he gave back the use of their eyes . bbe @Luke:7:22 @And answering them he said , Go back and give news to John of what you have seen , and the things which have come to your ears ; the blind now see , those who had no power in their legs are walking , lepers are made clean , those who had no hearing now have their ears open , dead men come to life again , and the poor have the good news given to them . bbe @Luke:7:23 @And a blessing will be on him who has no doubts about me . bbe @Luke:7:24 @And when the men who were sent by John had gone away , he said to the people , about John , What did you go out into the waste land to see ? a tall stem moving in the wind ? bbe @Luke:7:25 @But what did you go out to see ? a man in soft clothing ? See now , those who have beautiful clothing and delicate food are in kings ' houses . bbe @Luke:7:26 @But what did you go out to see ? a prophet ? Yes , I say to you , and more than a prophet . bbe @Luke:7:27 @This is he of whom it has been said , See , I send my servant before your face , who will make ready your way before you . bbe @Luke:7:28 @I say to you , Among all the sons of women , not one is greater than John : but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he . bbe @Luke:7:29 @(And all the people , and the tax-farmers , to whom John had given baptism , when they had knowledge of these things , gave glory to God . bbe @Luke:7:30 @But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law were against the purpose of God for themselves , not having had his baptism .) bbe @Luke:7:31 @What comparison am I to make of the men of this generation ? what are they like ? bbe @Luke:7:32 @They are like children who are seated in the market-place , crying out to one another , and saying , We made music for you , but you did not take part in the dance ; we gave cries of sorrow , but you were not sad . bbe @Luke:7:33 @For John the Baptist came , taking no food or drink , and you say , He has an evil spirit . bbe @Luke:7:34 @The Son of man came feasting , and you say , Here is a lover of food and wine , a friend of tax-farmers and sinners . bbe @Luke:7:35 @But wisdom is judged to be right by all her children . bbe @Luke:7:36 @And one of the Pharisees made a request that he would take a meal with him . And he went into the Pharisee 's house and took his seat at the table . bbe @Luke:7:37 @And there was a woman in the town who was a sinner ; and when she had news that he was a guest in the Pharisee 's house , she took a bottle of perfume , bbe @Luke:7:38 @And went in and took her place at the back of him , near his feet , weeping , so that his feet were washed with the drops from her eyes , and with her hair she made them dry , and kissing his feet she put the perfume on them . bbe @Luke:7:39 @Now when the Pharisee in whose house he was saw it , he said to himself , This man , if he was a prophet , would be conscious what sort of woman this is who has put her hands on him , that she is a sinner . bbe @Luke:7:40 @And Jesus , answering , said , Simon , I have something to say to you . And he said , Master , say on . bbe @Luke:7:41 @And he said , Two men were in debt to a certain man of business : one had a debt of five hundred pence , and the other of fifty . bbe @Luke:7:42 @When they were unable to make payment , he made the two of them free of their debts . Which of them , now , will have the greater love for him ? bbe @Luke:7:43 @Simon , in answer , said , It seems he whose debt was greater . And he said , Your decision is right . bbe @Luke:7:44 @And turning to the woman he said to Simon , You see this woman ? I came into your house ; you did not give me water for my feet : but she has been washing my feet with the drops from her eyes , and drying them with her hair . bbe @Luke:7:45 @You did not give me a kiss : but she , from the time when I came in , has gone on kissing my feet . bbe @Luke:7:46 @You put no oil on my head : but she has put perfume on my feet . bbe @Luke:7:47 @And so I say to you , She will have forgiveness for her sins which are great in number , because of her great love : but he who has small need of forgiveness gives little love . bbe @Luke:7:48 @And he said to her , You have forgiveness for your sins . bbe @Luke:7:49 @And those who were seated at table with him said to themselves , Who is this who even gives forgiveness of sins ? bbe @Luke:7:50 @And he said to the woman , By your faith you have salvation ; go in peace .

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