
Seeker Overlay ON

* And it came to pass afterwards that he went through [the country ] city by city , and village by village , preaching and announcing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God ; and the twelve [were ] with him , * and certain women who had been healed of wicked spirits and infirmities , Mary who was called Magdalene , from whom seven demons had gone out , * and Joanna , wife of Chuza , Herod 's steward , and Susanna , and many others , who ministered to him of their substance . * And a great crowd coming together , and those who were coming to him out of each city , he spoke by parable : * The sower went out to sow his seed ; and as he sowed , some fell along the way , and it was trodden under foot , and the birds of the heaven devoured it up ; * and other fell upon the rock , and having sprung up , it was dried up because it had not moisture ; * and other fell in the midst of the thorns , and the thorns having sprung up with [it ] choked it ; * and other fell into the good ground , and having sprung up bore fruit a hundredfold . As he said these things he cried , He that has ears to hear , let him hear . * And his disciples asked him [saying ], What may this parable be ? * And he said , To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God , but to the rest in parables , in order that seeing they may not see , and hearing they may not understand . * But the parable is this : The seed is the word of God . * But those by the wayside are those who hear ; then comes the devil and takes away the word from their heart that they may not believe and be saved . * But those upon the rock , those who when they hear receive the word with joy ; and these have no root , who believe for a time , and in time of trial fall away . * But that that fell where the thorns were , these are they who having heard go away and are choked under cares and riches and pleasures of life , and bring no fruit to perfection . * But that in the good ground , these are they who in an honest and good heart , having heard the word keep it , and bring forth fruit with patience .

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