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* Then (note :)The twelve apostles are sent forth only at the commandment of Christ and equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit : both that none of the Israelites might pretend ignorance , and also that they might be better prepared for their general mission .(:note ) he called his twelve disciples together , and gave them power and authority over all devils , and to cure diseases . * And hee sent them foorth to preach the kingdome of God , and to cure the sicke . * And he sayd to them , Take nothing to your iourney , neither staues , nor scrip , neither bread , nor siluer , neither haue two coates apiece . * And whatsoever house ye enter into , there (note :)When you depart out of any city , depart from that place where you first took up your lodging : so that in these few words the Lord forbids them to change their lodgings : for this publishing of the gospel was as it were a publishing throughout the whole land , that no one in Judea might pretend ignorance , as though he had not heard that Christ had come .(:note ) abide , and thence depart . * And howe many so euer will not receiue you , when ye goe out of that citie , shake off the very dust from your feete for a testimonie against them . * And they went out , &amp ; went through euery towne preaching the Gospel , and healing euery where . * * And of some , that Elias had appeared : and of some , that one of the olde Prophets was risen againe . * Then Herod sayd , Iohn haue I beheaded : who then is this of whome I heare such things ? And he desired to see him . * * But when the people knewe it , they followed him : and he receiued them , and spake vnto them of the kingdome of God , and healed them that had neede to be healed . * And when the day began to weare away , the twelue came , and sayd vnto him , Sende the people away , that they may goe into the townes and villages round about , and lodge , &amp ; get meate : for we are here in a desart place . * But he said unto them , Give ye them to eat . And they said , We have no more but five loaves and two fishes ; (note :)This is said imperfectly , and therefore we must understand it to mean something like this : «We cannot give them to eat unless we go and buy , etc .».(:note ) except we should go and buy meat for all this people . * For they were about fiue thousand men . Then he sayde to his disciples , Cause them to sit downe by fifties in a company . * And they did so , and caused all to sit downe . * Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes , and looking up to heaven , (note :)He gave God thanks for these loaves and fishes , and prayed at the same time that God would feed this multitude which was so great with such a small quantity , and to put it briefly , that this whole banquet might be to the glory of God .(:note ) he blessed them , and brake , and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude . * So they did all eate , and were satisfied : and there was taken vp of that remained to them , twelue baskets full of broken meate . * * They answered , and sayd , Iohn Baptist : and others say , Elias : and some say , that one of the olde Prophets is risen againe . * And he sayd vnto them , But whom say ye that I am ? Peter answered , and sayd , That Christ of God . * And he warned and commaunded them , that they should tell that to no man , * * And he said to [them ] all , If any [man ] will come after me , let him deny himself , and take up his cross (note :)Even as one day follows another , so does one cross follow another , and the cross is by the figure of speech metonymy taken for the miseries of this life : for to be hanged on the cross was the most grievous and cruel punishment that there was amongst the Jews .(:note ) daily , and follow me . * For whosoeuer will saue his life , shal lose it : and whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake , the same shall saue it . * For what auantageth it a man , if he win the whole worlde , and destroy himselfe , or lose himselfe ? * For whosoeuer shall be ashamed of me , and of my wordes , of him shall the Sonne of man be ashamed , when hee shall come in his glorie , and in the glorie of the Father , and of the holy Angels . * And I tell you of a suretie , there be some standing here , which shall not taste of death , till they haue seene the kingdome of God . * * And as he prayed , the fashion of his countenance was changed , and his garment was white and glistered . * And beholde , two men talked with him , which were Moses and Elias : * Who appeared in glory , and spake of his (note :)What death he would die in Jerusalem .(:note ) decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem . * But Peter &amp ; they that were with him , were heauie with sleepe , and when they awoke , they saw his glorie , and the two men standing with him . * And it came to passe , as they departed fro him , Peter said vnto Iesus , Master , it is good for vs to be here : let vs therefore make three tabernacles , one for thee , and one for Moses , and one for Elias , and wist not what he said . * Whiles he thus spake , there came a cloude and ouershadowed them , and they feared when they were entring into the cloude . * And there came a voyce out of the cloud , saying , This is that my beloued Sonne , heare him . * And when the voice was past , Jesus was found alone . And they kept [it ] close , and told no man in (note :)Until Christ was risen again from the dead .(:note ) those days any of those things which they had seen . * * And beholde , a man of the companie cried out , saying , Master , I beseech thee , beholde my sonne : for he is all that I haue . * And , lo , a spirit taketh him , and he suddenly crieth out ; and it teareth him that he foameth again , and (note :)As it happens in the falling sickness .(:note ) bruising him hardly departeth from him . * Nowe I haue besought thy disciples to cast him out , but they could not . * Then Iesus answered , &amp ; said , O generation faithlesse , and crooked , howe long now shall I be with you , and suffer you ? bring thy sonne hither . * And whiles he was yet comming , the deuill rent him , and tare him : and Iesus rebuked the vncleane spirite , and healed the childe , and deliuered him to his father . * * * But they vnderstood not that word : for it was hid from them , so that they could not perceiue it : and they feared to aske him of that worde . * * When Iesus sawe the thoughtes of their heartes , he tooke a litle childe , &amp ; set him by him , * And said vnto them , Whosoeuer receiueth this litle childe in my Name , receiueth me : and whosoeuer shall receiue me , receiueth him that sent me : for he that is least among you all , he shall be great . * * Then Iesus saide vnto him , Forbid ye him not : for he that is not against vs , is with vs . * * And sent messengers before him : and they went and entred into a towne of the Samaritans , to prepare him lodging . * But they woulde not receiue him , because his behauiour was , as though he would go to Hierusalem . * * But he turned , and rebuked them , and said , Ye know not what manner of (note :)So the Hebrews say , that is , you do not know what will , mind , and counsel you are of : so the gifts of God are called the spirit because they are given by God 's Spirit , and so are the things that are contrary to them also called the spirit , which proceed from the wicked spirit , such as the spirit of covetousness , of pride , and madness .(:note ) spirit ye are of . * For the Sonne of man is not come to destroy mens liues , but to saue them . Then they went to another towne . * * And Iesus saide vnto him , The foxes haue holes , and the birdes of the heauen nestes , but the Sonne of man hath not whereon to lay his head . * * Jesus said unto him , Let the dead bury (note :)Who , even though they live in this frail life of man , yet are strangers from the true life , which is everlasting and heavenly .(:note ) their dead : but go thou and preach the kingdom of God . * * And Iesus saide vnto him , No man that putteth his hand to the plough , and looketh backe , is apt to the kingdome of God .

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