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* And , calling together the twelve , he gave them power and authority over all the demons , and to be curing , diseases ; * and sent them forth , to be proclaiming the kingdom of God , and to be healing ; * and said unto them Nothing , take ye for the journey , neither staff , nor satchel , nor bread , nor silver , nor to have , two tunics . * And , into whatsoever house ye enter , there , abide , and , thence , be going forth . * And , as many soever as shall not welcome you , in going forth from that city , the dust of your feet , shake ye off , for a witness against them . * And they went forth , and were passing through , along the villages , delivering the glad-message , and effecting cures in every direction . * Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all the things which were coming to pass , and was utterly at a loss , because of its being said , by some , that , John , had been raised from the dead ; * and , by some , that , Elijah , had appeared ; and , by others , that , some prophet of the ancients , had arisen . * But Herod said John , I myself , beheaded ; but , who is this , concerning whom I am hearing such things as these ? And he was seeking to see him . * And the Apostles , returning , related to him what great things they had done . And , taking them aside , he retired privately , into a city called Bethsaida . * But , the multitudes , getting to know , followed him ; and , giving them welcome , he began speaking unto them concerning the kingdom of God , and , them that had need of cure , he healed , * And , the day , began to decline ; and the twelve , coming near , said to him Dismiss the multitude , that , going into the surrounding villages and hamlets , they may lodge , and find provisions ; because , here , in a desert place , are we . * But he said unto them Give , ye , them to eat . They , however , said We have not more than five loaves , and two fishes , unless perhaps , we , should go , and buy food , for all this people . * For there were about five thousand men . And he said unto his disciples Make them recline , in companies of about fifty each . * And they did so , and made , one and all , recline . * And , taking the five loaves , and the two fishes , looking up into heaven , he blessed them , and brake up , and went on giving to the disciples , to set before the multitude ; * and they did all eat and were filled . And that which remained over to them , was taken up , of broken pieces , twelve baskets . * And , it came to pass , when he was praying in solitude , the disciples , were with him . And he questioned them , saying Who do the multitudes say that I am ? * And they , answering , said John the Immerser ; But some , Elijah , and others , that , some prophet of the ancients , hath arisen . * And he said to them But who say , ye , that I am ? And , Peter , answering , said The Christ of God ! * He , however , sternly admonishing them , gave charge that , unto no one , should they be telling this ; * saying The Son of Man must needs suffer , many things , and be rejected by the Elders and High priests and Scribes , and be slain , and , on the third day , arise . * And he was saying , unto all If any one intendeth after me to come , Let him deny himself , and take up his cross daily , and be following me . * For , whosoever intendeth , his life , to save , shall lose it ; but , whosoever shall lose his life for my sake , the same , shall save it ? * For what doth a man profit , who hath gained the whole world , but hath lost , or been made to forfeit , himself ? * For , whosoever shall be ashamed of me , and of my words , of him , the Son of Man , will be ashamed , whensoever he shall come in his glory , and that of the Father , and of the holy messengers . * But I tell you of a truth There , are , some of those , here , standing , who shall in nowise taste of death , until they see the kingdom of God . * And it came to pass , after these words , about eight days , taking with him Peter and John and James , he went up into the mountain to pray . * And it came to pass , while he was praying , that , the appearance of his face , was changed , and , his clothing , became white , effulgent . * And lo ! two men , were conversing with him , who , indeed , were Moses and Elijah , * who , appearing in glory , were speaking as to his departure , which he was about to fulfil in Jerusalem . * Now , Peter , and they who were with him , had become heavy with sleep ; but , waking up , they saw his glory , and the two men who were standing with him . * And it came to pass , when they were being parted from him , Peter said unto Jesus Master ! it is , delightful , for us to be , here : Let us , therefore , make three tents , one for thee , and one for Moses , and one for Elijah : not knowing what he said . * Now , while he was saying these things , there came a cloud , and it began to overshadow them , and they were overcome with fear as they entered into the cloud . * And , a voice , came out of the cloud , saying This , is my Son , the Chosen One : Unto him , be hearkening . * And , when the voice came , there was found , Jesus alone . And they held their peace , and , unto no one , reported they , in those days , any of the things which they had seen . * And it came to pass , on the next day , when they came down from the mountain , that there met him a great multitude . * And lo ! a man from the multitude , uttered a cry , saying Teacher ! I beg of thee , to look upon my son , because , my only begotten , he is . * And lo ! a spirit , taketh him , and , suddenly , he crieth out , and it convulseth himwith foaming , and with difficulty departeth from him , sorely bruising him . * And I begged of thy disciples , that they would cast it out , and they could not . * And , making answer , Jesus said O faithless and perverted generation ! how long shall I be with you , and bear with you ? Bring , hither , thy son . * And , while yet he was coming , the demon tare him , and mangled him . But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit , and healed the boy , and gave him back to his father . * And they were all being struck with astonishment , at the majesty of God . And , while all were marvelling at all things which he was doing , he said unto his disciples : * Lay , ye , up in your ears , these words ; for , the Son of Man , is about to be delivered up , into the hands of men . * But , they , understood not this saying , and it had become veiled from them , that they might not grasp it , and they were afraid to question him , concerning this saying . * But there entered a reasoning among them , as to who of them should be greatest . * And , Jesus , perceiving the reasoning of their heart , taking a child , placed it near himself , * and said unto them Whosoever shall give welcome unto this child , on my name , unto me , giveth welcome ; and , whosoever , unto me , giveth welcome , giveth welcome unto him that sent me forth . For , he who is least among you all , the same , is , great . * But John , answering , said Master ! we saw some one , in thy name , casting out demons , and we forbade him , because he followeth not with us . * And Jesus said unto him Do not forbid ; for , whosoever is not against you , is , for you . * And it came to pass , when the days for taking him up were on the point of being fulfilled , even he himself , set , his face , to be journeying unto Jerusalem ; * and he sent messengers before his face , and , taking their journey , they entered into a village of Samaritans , so as to prepare for him . * And they welcomed him not , because , his face , was for journeying unto Jerusalem . * And the disciples James and John , seeing it , said Lord ! wilt thou , that we bid fire come down from heaven , and destroy them ? * But , turning , he rebuked them . * And they journeyed into a different village . * And , as they were journeying on the road , one said unto him I will follow thee , whithersoever thou shalt depart . * And Jesus said unto himthe foxes , have , dens , and , the birds of heaven , nests ; but , the Son of Man , hath not where , his head , he may recline . * And he said unto another Be following me ! But , he , said Suffer me , first , to depart , and bury my father . * And he said unto him Leave , the dead , to bury their own dead ; but , thou , departing , be declaring the kingdom of God . * And , yet another , said I will follow thee , Lord ; But , first , suffer me to bid adieu to them that are in my house . * But Jesus said

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