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* Verse 1-9 - What is here said of the covenant of priesthood , is true of the covenant of grace made with all believers , as spiritual priests . It is a covenant of life and peace ; it assures all believers of all happiness , both in this world and in that to come . It is an honour to God 's servants to be employed as his messengers . The priest 's lips should not keep knowledge from his people , but keep it for them . The people are all concerned to know the will of the Lord . We must not only consult the written word , but desire instruction and advice from God 's messengers , in the affairs of our souls . Ministers must exert themselves to the utmost for the conversion of sinners ; and even among those called Israelites , there are many to be turned from iniquity . Those ministers , and those only , are likely to turn men from sin , who preach sound doctrine , and live holy lives according to the Scripture . Many departed from this way ; thus they misled the people . Such as walk with God in peace and righteousness , and turn others from sin , honour God ; he will honour them , while those who despise him shall be lightly esteemed . * Verse 10-17 - Corrupt practices are the fruit of corrupt principles ; and he who is false to his God , will not be true to his fellow mortals . In contempt of the marriage covenant , which God instituted , the Jews put away the wives they had of their own nation , probably to make room for strange wives . They made their lives bitter to them ; yet , in the sight of others , they pretend to be tender of them . Consider she is thy wife ; thy own ; the nearest relation thou hast in the world . The wife is to be looked on , not as a servant , but as a companion to the husband . There is an oath of God between them , which is not to be trifled with . Man and wife should continue to their lives ' end , in holy love and peace . Did not God make one , one Eve for one Adam ? Yet God could have made another Eve . Wherefore did he make but one woman for one man ? It was that the children might be made a seed to serve him . Husbands and wives must live in the fear of God , that their seed may be a godly seed . The God of Israel saith that he hateth putting away . Those who would be kept from sin , must take heed to their spirits , for there all sin begins . Men will find that their wrong conduct in their families springs from selfishness , which disregards the welfare and happiness of others , when opposed to their own passions and fancies . It is wearisome to God to hear people justify themselves in wicked practices . Those who think God can be a friend to sin , affront him , and deceive themselves . The scoffers said , Where is the God of judgement ? but the day of the Lord will come . **** Matthew Henry 's Commentary ****

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