
bwe@Mark:1:1 @ This is the beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, Gods Son.

bwe@Mark:1:2 @ The men of God, called prophets, long ago wrote about it this way: God said, See, I send my man ahead of you to tell about you. He will make the way ready for you.

bwe@Mark:1:3 @ A man is calling out in the desert, "Make the way ready for the Lord. Make the road straight for him."

bwe@Mark:1:4 @ John baptised people in the desert. He told them to stop doing wrong things and be baptised, and God would forgive them for the wrong things they did.

bwe@Mark:1:5 @ People from all the land of Judea and all the city of Jerusalem went out to John. He baptised them in the Jordan River when they told about the wrong things they did.

bwe@Mark:1:6 @ John wore clothes made of camels hair and a leather belt. He ate locusts and wild honey.

bwe@Mark:1:7 @ He told the people, Another person is coming. He is greater than I am. I am not good enough to bend down and untie his shoe strings.

bwe@Mark:1:8 @ I have baptised you with water, but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.

bwe@Mark:1:9 @ At that time Jesus came from the town of Nazareth in the country of Galilee. John baptised him in the Jordan River.

bwe@Mark:1:10 @ As soon as he came up out of the water, Jesus saw the sky open. He saw Gods Holy Spirit come down on him like a bird called a dove.

bwe@Mark:1:11 @ A voice from the sky said, You are my dear Son. I am very pleased with you.

bwe@Mark:1:12 @ Right away, the Spirit made Jesus go into the desert.

bwe@Mark:1:13 @ Jesus was in the desert for forty days. All that time Satan tried to make Jesus do wrong. Jesus was with wild animals. Angels came and took care of him.

bwe@Mark:1:14 @ John was put in prison. Then Jesus went to Galilee. He told people the good news of Gods kingdom.

bwe@Mark:1:15 @ The time has come, he said. The kingdom of God is here. Stop your wrong ways, turn back to God and believe the good news.

bwe@Mark:1:16 @ Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee. There he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were throwing a fishing net into the water. Their work was to catch fish.

bwe@Mark:1:17 @ Jesus said to them, Come with me. The work I give you will be to catch people.

bwe@Mark:1:18 @ Right away they left their nets and went with him.

bwe@Mark:1:19 @ Jesus went on from there and saw James and his brother John. Their fathers name was Zebedee. They were in a boat mending their nets.

bwe@Mark:1:20 @ Jesus called them. Right away they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the workmen and went with Jesus.

bwe@Mark:1:21 @ They went to the town of Capernaum. As soon as it was the Sabbath day, Jesus went into their meeting house and taught the people.

bwe@Mark:1:22 @ They were very much surprised at his teaching because he taught them as if he had the right to teach them. He did not teach them like their teachers called scribes.

bwe@Mark:1:23 @ A man who had a bad spirit in him was in the meeting house at that time.

bwe@Mark:1:24 @ He called out, Jesus of Nazareth, what do you want to do to us? Have you come to kill us? I know who you are. You are the Holy One of God.

bwe@Mark:1:25 @ Jesus said to the spirit, Be quiet! Come out of him!

bwe@Mark:1:26 @ The bad spirit threw the man around. It called out loud and then it came out of the man.

bwe@Mark:1:27 @ The people were all surprised. They said one to another, What is this? Is not this a new teaching? He tells the bad spirits what to do and even they obey him

bwe@Mark:1:28 @ The people all around Galilee heard right away about Jesus.

bwe@Mark:1:29 @ As soon as they came out of the meeting house, they went to the home of Simon and Andrew. James and John went also.

bwe@Mark:1:30 @ Simons wifes mother was sick and was lying down. She had a fever. Right away they told Jesus about her.

bwe@Mark:1:31 @ Jesus went to her. He took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her right away, and she began to do things to help them.

bwe@Mark:1:32 @ That evening when the sun went down, people brought to Jesus all the sick people and those who had bad spirits.

bwe@Mark:1:33 @ All the people in the city crowded around the door.

bwe@Mark:1:34 @ He healed many sick people. He drove the bad spirits out of people. And he did not let them speak because they knew who he was.

bwe@Mark:1:35 @ The next morning Jesus got up long before daylight. He went out to a place by himself. There he talked with God.

bwe@Mark:1:36 @ Simon and his friends went out after Jesus.

bwe@Mark:1:37 @ When they found him they said, Everyone is looking for you.

bwe@Mark:1:38 @ Jesus said, We must go to the next towns. I must tell the good news to the people there too. That is why I came here.

bwe@Mark:1:39 @ Then Jesus talked to the people in all the meeting houses in all the country of Galilee. He also made the bad spirits come out of people.

bwe@Mark:1:40 @ A man who was sick with leprosy <FI>a bad skin disease<Fi> came to him. He kneeled down and begged Jesus saying, I know you can heal me if you want to.

bwe@Mark:1:41 @ Jesus was very sorry for him. He put out his hand and touched him. He said, I want to. Be healed.

bwe@Mark:1:42 @ As soon as he said this, the disease left the man and he was healed.

bwe@Mark:1:43 @ Jesus talked strongly to him and sent him away.

bwe@Mark:1:44 @ He said, Do not tell anyone about this. But go and let the priest look at you. Moses gave a law about the gift you must give to God when you are healed. Give it to prove to people that you are healed.

bwe@Mark:1:45 @ But the man went out and told everyone everywhere what had happened to him. Because he did this, Jesus could not go into any large town freely. He stayed in places where only a few people were. There people came to him from everywhere.

bwe@Mark:2:1 @ After a few days he came back to Capernaum. People soon heard that he was at home.

bwe@Mark:2:2 @ Many came together right away. The house was full. There was no more room, not even outside near the door. Jesus was telling them Gods message.

bwe@Mark:2:3 @ Four men brought a sick man to Jesus. The man could not move his arms or legs.

bwe@Mark:2:4 @ But they could not get in the house where Jesus was, because there were so many people. So they went up on the roof. They made a hole in the roof. Then they let down the mat with the sick man on it.

bwe@Mark:2:5 @ Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to the sick man, Son, the wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Mark:2:6 @ Some of the scribes were sitting there.

bwe@Mark:2:7 @ They were thinking, Why does this man say such wrong things against God? He is not giving God respect! Who can forgive the wrong things people do? No one but God can do that.

bwe@Mark:2:8 @ Jesus understood in his spirit what the scribes were thinking. He said right away, Why do you think these wrong things in your hearts?

bwe@Mark:2:9 @ Which is easier, to say to the sick man, "The wrong things you have done are forgiven," or to say, "Get up. Take up your mat and walk"?

bwe@Mark:2:10 @ I want you to know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive the wrong things people do. So he said to the sick man,

bwe@Mark:2:11 @ I tell you, get up! Take up your mat and go home.

bwe@Mark:2:12 @ Right away the man stood up in front of them. He took up his mat and went home. They were all very much surprised, and they praised God. They said, We have never seen anything like this before.

bwe@Mark:2:13 @ Jesus went out again by the seaside. Many people came to him. So he taught them.

bwe@Mark:2:14 @ As he went along, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus. He was sitting at the place where people come to pay taxes. Jesus said to him, Come with me. Levi stood up and went with him.

bwe@Mark:2:15 @ Jesus was eating in Levis house. Many tax collectors and bad people also came. They sat down to eat with Jesus and his disciples. There were many who went with him.

bwe@Mark:2:16 @ The scribes and Pharisees saw that Jesus ate with these people. They said to the disciples, Why does he eat and drink with bad people?

bwe@Mark:2:17 @ Jesus heard it. He said to them, People who are well do not need a doctor. But sick people need him. I did not come to call good people. I came to call bad people to stop doing wrong things.

bwe@Mark:2:18 @ Johns disciples and the Pharisees disciples were fasting <FI>not eating food for a time<Fi>. Some people came to Jesus and said, The disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast. Why do your disciples not do the same?

bwe@Mark:2:19 @ Jesus answered them, The people at a wedding cannot be sad while the man who is married is with them.

bwe@Mark:2:20 @ But the time will come when he will be taken away from them. Then they will fast.

bwe@Mark:2:21 @ No person sews a piece of new cloth on an old coat. If he does, the new cloth will tear the old coat. Then the hole is bigger than it was before.

bwe@Mark:2:22 @ No person puts new wine into old wine skins. If he does, the new wine will break the skins. Then the wine will be lost and the skins will be spoiled. New wine is put into new skins.

bwe@Mark:2:23 @ Jesus was walking through the grainfields on the Sabbath day. His disciples began to pick some of the seed (to eat) as they went along.

bwe@Mark:2:24 @ The Pharisees said to Jesus, Why do your disciples do what is not right on the Sabbath day?

bwe@Mark:2:25 @ Jesus answered them, Have you not read what David did? He and his men who were with him were hungry.

bwe@Mark:2:26 @ He went into Gods house when Abiathar was the high priest. Some bread was there for God. It was not right for them to eat it. Only the priests have the right to eat it. But David took the bread and ate it. He also gave some of it to the people who were with him.

bwe@Mark:2:27 @ Jesus went on to say, The Sabbath was made for the good of man. Man was not made for the Sabbath.

bwe@Mark:2:28 @ So the Son of Man rules over the Sabbath day.

bwe@Mark:3:1 @ Jesus went into the meeting house again. A man was there whose right hand was thin and weak.

bwe@Mark:3:2 @ The Pharisees watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the Sabbath day. They wanted to find something wrong about Jesus.

bwe@Mark:3:3 @ He spoke to the man whose hand was thin and weak. He said, Stand here.

bwe@Mark:3:4 @ Then he spoke to the Pharisees. He said, Is it right to do good things on the Sabbath day or to do wrong things? Is it right to heal people so they will live, or to let them die? But the Pharisees said nothing.

bwe@Mark:3:5 @ Jesus was angry as he looked at them. And he was sad that their hearts were so hard. Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man did so, and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Mark:3:6 @ The Pharisees went out. Right away they and the servants of King Herod planned together how to kill Jesus.

bwe@Mark:3:7 @, fehlt/missing

bwe@Mark:3:8 @ Jesus and his disciples went away to the sea of Galilee. Many people went with Jesus. They came from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, and from the other side of the Jordan River. And many more people came also, a great many from around the cities of Tyre and Sidon. They also had heard about the great works that Jesus had done.

bwe@Mark:3:9 @ Jesus saw that the crowd was very big. He told the disciples to have a small boat ready for him so that he would have more room.

bwe@Mark:3:10 @ He did this because he healed many people. All who were sick tried to touch him.

bwe@Mark:3:11 @ When the bad spirits saw Jesus, they bowed down before him. They shouted, You are Gods Son!

bwe@Mark:3:12 @ He told them they must not tell anyone who he was.

bwe@Mark:3:13 @ Then Jesus went up on the hill. He wanted some of the people to come with him. So he called them and they came.

bwe@Mark:3:14 @ He chose twelve disciples to stay with him. He wanted to send them out to other places to tell people Gods word.

bwe@Mark:3:15 @ He gave them power to heal people and to drive bad spirits out of people.

bwe@Mark:3:16 @ One of the twelve was Simon, whom Jesus called Peter.

bwe@Mark:3:17 @ He also chose James and his brother John, the sons of Zebedee, whom he named Boanerges, which means "Men of Thunder."

bwe@Mark:3:18 @, fehlt/missing

bwe@Mark:3:19 @ He also chose Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon of Canan, and Judas Iscariot, the one who gave Jesus over to people who hated him. Then Jesus and his disciples went home.

bwe@Mark:3:20 @ So many people came again that they could not even eat.

bwe@Mark:3:21 @ When Jesus family heard about this, they came to take him away. They said, He is crazy.

bwe@Mark:3:22 @ The scribes who came from Jerusalem also talked about Jesus. They said, Beelzebub, the chief of bad spirits, is in this man. He drives out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub.

bwe@Mark:3:23 @ Jesus called the people and talked to them in stories. He asked, How can Satan drive out Satan?

bwe@Mark:3:24 @ If one part of a country fights against another part of the country, that country cannot be strong.

bwe@Mark:3:25 @ If one part of a family fights against the other part of the family, it cannot stand.

bwe@Mark:3:26 @ If Satan fights against himself and the bad spirits fight against each other, he cannot stand. It will be the end of him.

bwe@Mark:3:27 @ If anyone wants to go into a strong mans house and steal his things, he must first tie the strong man. Then he can steal his things.

bwe@Mark:3:28 @ I tell you the truth. All wrong things that people do and say about anyone will be forgiven.

bwe@Mark:3:29 @ But people who say wrong things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. A person who does that will be punished for ever.

bwe@Mark:3:30 @ Jesus said all this because the scribes said, A bad spirit is in him.

bwe@Mark:3:31 @ Jesus mother and brothers came to him. They stood outside. They sent someone to him.

bwe@Mark:3:32 @ Many people were sitting around him. They said, See, your mother and your brothers are outside. They want you.

bwe@Mark:3:33 @ Jesus asked them, Who are my mother and my brothers?

bwe@Mark:3:34 @ Then he looked at the people who sat around him. He said, These people are my mother and my brothers!

bwe@Mark:3:35 @ Anyone who obeys God is my brother, my sister, and my mother.

bwe@Mark:4:1 @ Jesus began to teach people by the sea again. Many people came to him. So he got in a boat on the sea and sat down. The people were by the sea on the land.

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