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* And (note :)The calling of God is unbounded , without exception , in regard to place , person , or time .(:note ) he began to speak unto them by This word «parable », which the evangelists use , not only signifies a comparing of things together , but also speeches and allegories with hidden meaning . parables . A [certain ] man planted a vineyard , and set an hedge about [it ], and digged [a place for ] the winefat , and built a tower , and let it out to husbandmen , and went into a far country . * * But they tooke him , and beat him , &amp ; sent him away emptie . * And againe he sent vnto them another seruant , and at him they cast stones , and brake his head , and sent him away shamefully handled . * And againe he sent another , and him they slew , &amp ; many other , beating some , &amp ; killing some . * Yet had he one sonne , his deare beloued : him also he sent the last vnto them , saying , They will reuerence my sonne . * But ye husbandmen said among themselues , This is the heire : come , let vs kill him , and the inheritance shalbe ours . * So they tooke him , &amp ; killed him , and cast him out of the vineyard . * What shall then the Lord of the vineyard doe ? He will come and destroy these husbandmen , and giue the vineyard to others . * Haue ye not read so much as this Scripture ? The stone which the builders did refuse , is made the head of the corner . * This was done of the Lord , and it is marueilous in our eyes . * And they (note :)They were greedy and very desirous .(:note ) sought to lay hold on him , but feared the people : for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them : and they left him , and went their way . * * And when they were come , they say unto him , Master , we know that thou art true , and carest for no man : for thou (note :)You do not judge by the outward appearance , so that the truth is therefore not darkened by any means at all .(:note ) regardest not the person of men , but teachest the The way by which we come to see God . way of God in truth : Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar , or not ? * Should we giue it , or should we not giue it ? But he knew their hypocrisie , and said vnto them , Why tempt ye me ? Bring me a peny , that I may see it . * So they brought it , and he said vnto them , Whose is this image and superscription ? And they said vnto him , Cesars . * Then Iesus answered , and saide vnto them , Giue to Cesar the things that are Cesars , and to God , those that are Gods : &amp ; they marueiled at him . * * Master , Moses wrote vnto vs , If any mans brother die , and leaue his wife , and leaue no children , that his brother should take his wife , and rayse vp seede vnto his brother . * There were seuen brethren , and the first tooke a wife , and when he died , left no issue . * Then the seconde tooke her , and he died , neither did he yet leaue issue , &amp ; the third likewise : * So those seuen had her , and left no yssue : last of all the wife died also . * In the resurrection then , when they shall rise againe , whose wife shall she be of them ? For seuen had her to wife . * Then Iesus answered , and saide vnto them , Are ye not therefore deceiued , because ye knowe not the Scriptures , neither the power of God ? * For when they shall rise againe from the dead , neither men marry , nor wiues are married , but are as the Angels which are in heauen . * And as touching the dead , that they shall rise againe , haue ye not read in the booke of Moses , howe in the bush God spake vnto him , saying , I am the God of Abraham , and the God of Isaac , and the God of Iacob ? * God is not ye God of the dead , but the God of the liuing . Ye are therefore greatly deceiued . * * Iesus answered him , The first of all the commandements is , Heare , Israel , The Lord our God is the onely Lord . * Thou shalt therefore loue the Lorde thy God with all thine heart , and with all thy soule , and with all thy minde , and with all thy strength : this is the first commandement . * And the second is like , that is , Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe . There is none other commandement greater then these . * Then that Scribe said vnto him , Well , Master , thou hast saide the trueth , that there is one God , and that there is none but he , * And to loue him with all the heart , and with all the vnderstanding , and with all the soule , and with all the strength , and to loue his neighbour as himselfe , is more then all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices . * Then when Iesus saw that he answered discreetely , he saide vnto him , Thou art not farre from the kingdome of God ; no man after that durst aske him any question . * * For David himself said by (note :)Literally , «in the Holy Spirit »; and there is a great power in this kind of speech , by which is meant that it was not so much David who was speaking , but instead the Holy Spirit , who in a way possessed David .(:note ) the Holy Ghost , The LORD said to my Lord , Sit thou on my right hand , till I make thine enemies thy footstool . * Then Dauid himselfe calleth him Lord : by what meanes is he then his sonne ? And much people heard him gladly . * * And the chiefe seates in the Synagogues , and the first roumes at feastes , * Which deuoure widowes houses , euen vnder a colour of long prayers . These shall receiue the greater damnation . * * And there came a certaine poore widowe , &amp ; she threw in two mites , which make a quadrin . * Then he called vnto him his disciples , and said vnto them , Verely I say vnto you , that this poore widowe hath cast more in , then all they which haue cast into the treasurie . * For they all did cast in of their superfluitie : but she of her pouertie did cast in all that she had , euen all her liuing .

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