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* And as Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach was going out from the Beis HaMikdash , one of his talmidim says to him , "Hinei ! Rebbe , what large stones and impressive binyanim (note :)buildings (:note )!" THE CHURBAN FORETOLD BY REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach said to him , "Do you see these great binyanim ? Not one even (note :)stone (:note ) will be left resting on another even stone . All will be thrown down !" * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the Beis HaMikdash having a yechidus with Kefa and Ya 'akov and Yochanan and Andrew . THE BEGINNING OF THE CHEVLEI MOSHIACH * "Tell us when these things will be and what [will be ] the ot (note :)sign (:note ) when all these things are about to be consummated ?" * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach began to say to them , "Beware lest anyone deceive you . * For many will come in my name [arrogating my title and authority as Moshiach ] saying "I am [here ]." And they will deceive many . [Yirmeyah strkjv @29:8 ] * "But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars , do not be troubled . It is necessary for these things to occur , but it is not yet HaKetz (note :)the End [of the Olam Hazeh ](:note ). * "For there will be an intifada of ethnic group against ethnic group and malchut against malchut , there will be earthquakes in place after place , [and ] there will be famines . These things are but the beginning of the Chevlei [Moshiach ]. * "But as for yourselves , take heed and be careful . For they will hand you over to the sanhedrin and in the shuls you will be beaten and before moshlim (note :)governors (:note ) and melachim kings you will take your stand for the sake of me [Moshiach ] as a solemn edut testimony to them . * "And it is necessary that the Besuras HaGeulah first be proclaimed to all nations . * "And when they arraign you and hand you over for trial , do not be worried beforehand about what you might say , but whatever is given to you in that hour , this you shall say , for it is not you yourselves who are the ones speaking , but the Ruach Hakodesh . * "And ach will hand over ach to mavet , and Av [his ] own yeled , and yeladim will rise up against horim and cause them to be condemned with onesh mavet . [Michoh strkjv @7:6 ] * "And everyone will hate you with sinas chinam (note :)baseless hatred (:note ) because of my name [Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua ]. But the one having endured to HaKetz this one will be receive Yeshu 'at Eloheinu . * "And when you see the SHIKKUTS MESHOMEM (note :)"the abomination of desolation ," the abomination that causes desolation , Daniel strkjv @9:27 ; strkjv @11:31 ; strkjv @12:11 (:note ) standing where it ought not --let the one reading this , take heed !--then let the ones in Yehudah flee to the mountains . * "And the one on the roof , let him not come down back inside and let him not enter his bais to take anything away . * "And the one in the sadeh (note :)field (:note ) let him not turn back to get his kaftan . * "And oy to the ones "with child " and the ones with nursing infants yamim hahem . * "But daven tefillos that it may not occur in khoref (note :)winter (:note ). * "For in those days will be Tzarah Gedolah (note :)Great Tribulation (:note ) of such a kind as has not happened from [the ] Reshit HaOlam Beginning of Creation which Hashem created until now and never again will be . [Daniel strkjv @9:26 ; strkjv @12:1 ; Yoel strkjv @2:2 ] * "And unless Hashem makes the yamim mekatzer (note :)shortened (:note ), no one would be delivered in the Yeshu 'at Eloheinu . But for the sake of the Bechirim Chosen Ones , whom Hashem chose , he shortened the yamim . * "And , then , if someone says to you , "Hinei ! Here [is ] the Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach ! Hinei ! There !--do not have emunah in what they say . * "For meshichei sheker (note :)false moshiachs (:note ) will arise , and nevi 'ei sheker false prophets , and they will perform otot and moftim so as to deceive and lead stray , if possible , the Bechirim . [Devarim strkjv @13:6 ,7 ,11 ,14 ] * "But you beware . I have forewarned you concerning all things . * "But after the Tzarah [13:19 ] of yamim hahem , the shemesh will be darkened , and the yare 'ach will not give the ohr (note :)light (:note ) of it , * "and the kokhavim (note :)stars (:note ) will be falling out of Shomayim , and the kokhot , the ones in Shomayim [i .e . the cosmic structure ], will be shaken . [Yeshayah strkjv @13:10 ; strkjv @34:4 ; Yechezkel strkjv @32:7-8 ; Amos strkjv @8:9 ; Yoel strkjv @3:3f 2:30f ] * "And then you will see the BEN HAADAM BA BA 'ANANIM (note :)"the Son of Man [Moshiach ] coming in clouds " Daniel strkjv @7:13-14 (:note ) with gevurah rabbah and kavod . * "And then he will send the malachim and he will gather together his Bechirim [13:20 ] from the four winds , from the ends (note :)extremities (:note ) of ha 'aretz to the ends extremities of Shomayim . [Zecharyah strkjv @2:6 ] REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH FORETELLS THE KETS HAOLAM HAZEH KAYITS HARVEST OF KLAL YISROEL , ESPECIALLY OF THE RELIGIOUS GEDOLIM WHO THEN WILL BE NO LONGER IN THE WINTER OF THE CURSE OF REJECTION [MARKOS strkjv @11:21 ] AS AT THE TIME OF THE CHURBAN , WHICH REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH ALSO FORETOLD [MARKOS strkjv @13:2 ] * "And from the aitz te 'enah (note :)fig tree (:note ) learn the mashal : when by that time its branch has become tender and it puts forth the leaves , you have da 'as that Kayits Summer is near ; * "So also you , when you see these things happening , have da 'as that it is near , at the doors . * "Omein , I say to you that by no means haDor HaZeh passes away until all these things take place .[Markos strkjv @13:24 ; Mattityahu strkjv @27:45 ] * "Shomayim and ha 'aretz will pass away , but the dvarim of me [Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach ] will by no means pass away .[Yeshayah strkjv @40:8 ]

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