
rwp@Mark:13:28 @{Coming to pass} (\ginomena\). Present middle participle, linear action. See on ¯Matthew:24:32-36| for details of verses 28-32| (the Parable of the Fig Tree).

rwp@Mark:13:32 @{Not even the Son} (\oude ho huios\). There is no doubt as to the genuineness of these words here such as exists in strkjv@Matthew:24:36|. This disclaimer of knowledge naturally interpreted applies to the second coming, not to the destruction of Jerusalem which had been definitely limited to that generation as it happened in A.D. 70.

rwp@Mark:13:34 @{Commanded also the porter to watch} (\kai t“i thur“r“i eneteilato hina grˆgorˆi\). The porter or door-keeper (\thur“ros\), as well as all the rest, to keep a watch (present subjunctive, \grˆgorˆi\). This Parable of the Porter is only in Mark. Our ignorance of the time of the Master's return is an argument not for indifference nor for fanaticism, but for alertness and eager readiness for his coming.

rwp@Mark:13:35 @The four watches of the night are named here: evening (\opse\), midnight (\mesonuktion\), cock-crowing (\alektoroph“nias\), morning (\pr“i\).

rwp@Mark:13:37 @{Watch} (\grˆgoreite\). Be on the watch. Present imperative of a verb made on the second perfect, \egrˆgora\, to be awake. Stay awake till the Lord comes.

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