
rwp@Mark:13:9 @{But take heed to yourselves} (\Blepete de humeis heautous\). Only in Mark, but dominant note of warning all through the discourse. Note \humeis\ here, very emphatic. {Councils} (\sunedria\). Same word as the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. These local councils (\sun, hedra\, sitting together) were modelled after that in Jerusalem. {Shall ye be beaten} (\darˆsesthe\). Second future passive indicative second person plural. The word \der“\ means to flay or skin and here has been softened into {beat} like our tan or skin in the vernacular. Aristophanes has it in this colloquial sense as have the papyri in the _Koin‚_. Before governors and kings (\epi hˆgemon“n kai basile“n\). Gentile rulers as well as before Jewish councils. {Shall stand} (\stathˆsesthe\). First aorist passive indicative second person plural of \histˆmi\.

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