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drb @Mark:14:12 @Now on the first day of the unleavened bread , when they sacrificed the pasch , the disciples say to him : Whither wilt thou that we go , and prepare for thee to eat the pasch ? drb @Mark:14:13 @And he sendeth two of his disciples , and saith to them : Go ye into the city ; and there shall meet you a man carrying a pitcher of water , follow him ; drb @Mark:14:14 @And whithersoever he shall go in , say to the master of the house , The master saith , Where is my refectory , where I may eat the pasch with my disciples ? drb @Mark:14:15 @And he will shew you a large dining room furnished ; and there prepare ye for us . drb @Mark:14:16 @And his disciples went their way , and came into the city ; and they found as he had told them , and they prepared the pasch . drb @Mark:14:17 @And when evening was come , he cometh with the twelve drb @Mark:14:18 @And when they were at table and eating , Jesus saith : Amen I say to you , one of you that eateth with me shall betray me . drb @Mark:14:19 @But they began to be sorrowful , and to say to him one by one : Is it I ? drb @Mark:14:20 @Who saith to them : One of the twelve , who dippeth with me his hand in the dish . drb @Mark:14:21 @And the Son of man indeed goeth , as it is written of him : but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed . It were better for him , if that man had not been born . drb @Mark:14:22 @And whilst they were eating , Jesus took bread ; and blessing , broke , and gave to them , and said : Take ye . This is my body . drb @Mark:14:23 @And having taken the chalice , giving thanks , he gave it to them . And they all drank of it . drb @Mark:14:24 @And he said to them : This is my blood of the new testament , which shall be shed for many . drb @Mark:14:25 @Amen I say to you , that I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine , until that day when I shall drink it new in the kingdom of God . drb @Mark:14:26 @And when they had said an hymn , they went forth to the mount of Olives . drb @Mark:14:27 @And Jesus saith to them : You will all be scandalized in my regard this night ; for it is written , I will strike the shepherd , and the sheep shall be dispersed . drb @Mark:14:28 @But after I shall be risen again , I will go before you into Galilee . drb @Mark:14:29 @But Peter saith to him : Although all shall be scandalized in thee , yet not I . drb @Mark:14:30 @And Jesus saith to him : Amen I say to thee , to day , even in this night , before the cock crow twice , thou shall deny me thrice . drb @Mark:14:31 @But he spoke the more vehemently : Although I should die together with thee , I will not deny thee . And in like manner also said they all .

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