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* And a certain bochur was following along with Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , and the bochur was wearing nothing but a linen garment around his naked body , and they seized the bochur . * But the bochur ran away naked , leaving the linen garment behind . REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH BEFORE THE SANHEDRIN , THE BEGINNING OF HIS TZA 'AR (note :)PAIN AND SUFFERING (:note ): CONDEMNED ON THE BASIS OF PERJURED EDUT MT strkjv @26:57-68 ; MK strkjv @14:53-65 ; LK strkjv @22:54 , 63-65 ; JO strkjv @18:24 * And they led away Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach to the Kohen Gadol and all the Rashei Hakohanim (note :)the Chief Priests (:note ) and the Zekenim and the Sofrim Scribes were assembled . * And Shimon Kefa from a distance followed Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach right into the courtyard of the Kohen Gadol . And Kefa was sitting together with the servants and warming himself near the ohr of the aish . * And the Rashei Hakohanim (note :)the Chief Priests (:note ) and [the ] entire Sanhedrin were seeking edut testimony against Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach in order to bring the onesh mavet , and they were not finding any . * For many gave edut sheker against Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , and the eduyot (note :)testimonies (:note ) were not in agreement . * And some , taking the stand , were giving edut sheker against him , saying , * "We heard him saying , `I will bring churban to this Beis Hamikdash made with human hands , and , after shalosha yamim , another , not made with hands , I will build ." * So their eduyot was not identical . * And having stood up in their midst , the Kohen Gadol questioned Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , saying , "Do you not answer anything to what these bear solemn edut (note :)testimony (:note ) against you ?" * But Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach was silent and did not answer anything . [Yeshayah strkjv @53:7-8 ] Again the Kohen Gadol was questioning him and says to him , "Are you the Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , HaBen Hamevorakh ?" * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach said , "Ani hu , and you will see the BEN HAADAM [Daniel strkjv @7:13-14 ] YOSHEV LIMIN HaGevurah [Tehilllim strkjv @110:1 ] UVA IM ANENEI HASHOMAYIM " (note :)"the Ben HaAdam [Moshiach ] sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven "(:note ). * And the Kohen Gadol , making the keriah (note :)ritual tearing (:note ) of his tunic , says , "What further need do we have of edim ? [Vayikra strkjv @10:6 ; strkjv @21:10 ; strkjv @24:16 ; Bamidbar strkjv @14:6 ] * "You heard him commit Chillul Hashem gidduf (note :)blasphemy (:note ). How does it seem to you ?" And they all condemned Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach to be deserving of mishpat mavet . [Vayikra strkjv @24:16 ] * And some began to spit on Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach and to cover his face and to strike him and to say to him , "Let 's hear a dvar nevu 'ah !" And the shomrim took custody of him by slapping Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach . KEFA MAKES HAKHCHASHAH (note :)DENIAL (:note ) OF REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv @26:58 ,69-75 ; strkjv @14:54 ,66-72 ; LK strkjv @22:54-62 ; JO strkjv @18:15-18 ,25-27 * And Shimon Kefa being below in the courtyard , one of the maids of the Kohen Gadol comes by . * And having seen Kefa warming himself , having looked him over , she says , "You also were with the one from Natzeret , Yehoshua !" * But he denied [it ], saying , "I do not have da 'as nor binah of what you are saying ." And he walked away and went outside into the entryway and a tarnegol crowed . * And the maid , having seen him , began again to say to the ones having stood by , "This one is one of them !" * But again he made hakhchashah (note :)denial (:note ). And after a little [while ] again the ones having stood by were saying to Kefa , "You are one of them , for indeed you are a Gelili " inhabitant of the Galil . * And Kefa began to speak a kelala and to swear , "I do not have da 'as of this man--I don 't know the one of whom you speak !" * And ofen ort (note :)immediately (:note ), for a second time , a tarnegol crowed . And then Kefa remembered the dvar that Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach had spoken to him , "Before a tarnegol crows twice , shalosh pe 'amim three times you will make hakhchashah denial of me ." Markos strkjv @14:30 . And having broken down , Kefa was weeping .

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[BookofMark] [Mark:13] [Mark:14] [Mark:15] [Discuss] Tag Mark:14:51-72 [Audio][Presentation]