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* Now it was two days before the Pesach , the Chag HaMatzot . And the Rashei Hakohanim and the Sofrim were seeking how they might by ormah (note :)cunning (:note ) do away with Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach . * For they were saying , "Not at the Chag , for fear that a riot break out among the am ha 'aretz ." AN ACTED NEVU 'AH (note :)PROPHECY (:note ): AN ISHA PREPARES HAGUF HAREBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH FOR KEVURAH MT strkjv @26:6-13 ; MK strkjv @14:3-9 ; JO strkjv @12:2-8 * And he was in Beit-Anyah at the bais of Shimon the leper , reclining at tish , and an isha came , having an alabaster flask of costly mishcha (note :)ointment (:note ), pure nard , and having broke open the alabaster flask , she poured [it on ] the rosh of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach . * Now some were there who in ka 'as said to one another , "For what reason has this waste of mishcha taken place ? * "For this mishcha was able to be sold for more than three hundred denarii and to be given to the aniyim ." And they were reproaching her . * But Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach said , "Leave her alone . Why are you bringing about difficulty for the isha ? Has she not performed one of the Gemilut Chasadim on me ? * "For always the aniyim you have with you , and when you wish you are able to do ma 'asim tovim for them , but me you do not always have . [Devarim strkjv @15:11 ] * "With what she had she did all she could . She prepared ahead of time to anoint my basar for the kevurah (note :)burial (:note ) [Tehillim strkjv @16:9-10 ; Iyov strkjv @19:25-27 ; Yeshayah strkjv @53:11 ]. * "And , omein , I say to you , wherever the Besuras HaGeulah is proclaimed in kol ha 'aretz , also what this isha did will be spoken in zikaron of her ." BETRAYING THE REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH : THE ACT OF YEHUDAH FROM K 'RIOT (note :)MT strkjv @26:14-16 ; MK strkjv @14:10-11 ; LK strkjv @22:3-6 (:note ) * And Yehudah from K 'riot , one of the Shneym Asar , went to the Rashei Hakohanim (note :)the Chief Priests (:note ) in order that he might betray him to them . * And there was chedvah (note :)rejoicing (:note ) with the ones having heard and they gave the havtachah of a matnat kesef to Yehudah . And he was seeking how he might conveniently betray Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach . PREPARING FOR PESACH WITH REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv @26:17-20 ; MK strkjv @14:12-17 ; LK strkjv @22:7-30 * And at the rishon of the Chag HaMatzot [when it was customary to prepare the Pesach Korban for mo 'ed zevach ], his talmidim say to him , "Where do you wish us to go and make the preparations for you to conduct the Seder ?" [Shemot strkjv @12:1-11 ; Devarim strkjv @16:1-4 ] * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach sends two of his talmidim and he says to them , "Go into the city , and you will meet a man carrying a jar of water ; follow him ; * "and wherever he enters , tell the Ba 'al Bayit that the Rebbe says , "Where is my mekom linah (note :)guest room (:note ) where I can conduct the Pesach Seder with my talmidim ? * And he will show you a large upstairs room having been furnished and ready . And there prepare for us ." * And the talmidim went out and they came into the city and found things just as Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach told them , and they made preparations for Pesach . * And erev having come , Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach arrives with the Shneym Asar . THE NAMING OF THE BETRAYER (note :)MT strkjv @26:21-25 ; MK strkjv @14:18-21 ; LK strkjv @22:21-23 ; JO strkjv @13:21-30 (:note ) * And while they were at tish in a yechidus , reclining and eating , Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach said , "Omein , I say to you , that one of you will betray me , OKHEL LACHEMI ("the one eating my bread " Tehillim strkjv @41:10 (note :)9 (:note ). THE TIME OF CHESHBON HANEFESH OF THE SHLUCHIM AND THE BEDIKAS CHOMETZ OF DENIAL AND BETRAYAL * They began to have agmat nefesh , and , one by one , to say to Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , "Sure I am not the one ?" * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach said to them , "It is one of the Shneym Asar , the one dipping with me into the bowl [SHEMOT strkjv @12:8 ]. * "For the Ben HaAdam [Moshiach , Daniel strkjv @7:13-14 ] goes just as it has been written concerning him [Yeshayah strkjv @53:3 ; Daniel strkjv @9:26 ; Zecharyah strkjv @12:10 ; Tehillim strkjv @41:10 (note :)9 (:note )], but woe to that man through whom the Ben HaAdam is betrayed . [It would have been ] better for him if that man had not been born ." REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH 'S FINAL HAMOTZI AND BERAKHAH AT HIS SEUDAH MT strkjv @26:26-29 ; MK strkjv @14:22-25 ; LK strkjv @22:17-20 * And at the Seudah , while they were eating , Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , having taken the matzah , having made the ha-Motzi , he offered the betzi 'at halechem (note :)breaking of the bread (:note ) and gave to them , and said , "Take and eat , this is my BASAR . [SHEMOT strkjv @12:8 ]" THE FINAL KIDDUSH IN ZACHOR REMEMBRANCE OF REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH WHOSE TZAVVAAH LAST WILL IS THE BRIT CHADASHA KAPPARAH FOR OUR SELICHA FORGIVENESS AND DEVEKUS COMMUNION WITH G-D * And having taken the Kiddush Cup (note :)Kos (:note ) [and ] having made the berakhah , Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach gave the Kiddush Cup to them , and everyone drank of it . * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach said to them , "HINEI DAHM HABRIT (note :)SHEMOT strkjv @24:8 (:note ), the dahm of me Moshiach , which is being poured out lama 'an RABBIM for the sake of "MANY " Yeshayah strkjv @53:11 . * "Omein , I say to you , that no longer will I by any means drink of the p 'ri hagefen (note :)fruit of the vine (:note ) until Yom HaHu when I drink it chadash new in the Malchut Hashem ." * And having sung the Hallel , they went out to the Mount of Olives . REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH 'S TALMIDIM TOLD THAT THEY WILL BE SCATTERED (note :)MT strkjv @26:31-35 ; MK strkjv @14:27-31 ; LK strkjv @22:31-38 (:note ); KEFA ASSERTS THAT EVEN IF ALL BECOME SHMAD DESERTERS , NEVERTHELESS HE WILL STAND FIRM ; THE HAKHCHASHAH FORETOLD * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach says to them , "All of you will fall away , for it has been written , "I will strike down ES HARO 'EH UTEFUTEN HATZON (note :)"the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered "(:note ). [Zecharyah strkjv @13:7 ] * "But after I am made to stand up alive (note :)Moshiach 's Techiyas HaMesim (:note ), I will go before you into the Galil ." * But Shimon Kefa said to him , "Even if everyone will fall away , yet I will not ." * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach says to him , "Omein , I say to you , that you today , balailah hazeh (note :)during this night (:note ) before the tarnegol crows twice , you will make hakhchashah denial of me shalosh pa 'amim three times . * But Kefa kept saying with vehemence , "If it is neccessary for me to die for you al kiddush ha-Shem , by no means will I make hakhchashah (note :)denial (:note ) of you ." And likewise also everyone declared . THE FINAL TEMPTATION OF REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH ; THE ADAM HECHADASH IN THE GAN HANISYONOS GARDEN OF TEMPTATION GAINS THE ESCHATOLOGICAL MESSIANIC TITZACHON VICTORYBERESHIS strkjv @3:1-6 ; MT strkjv @26:36-40 ; MK strkjv @14:32-42 ; LK strkjv @22:39-46 ; JO strkjv @18:1 * And they come to a place of which the name [was ] Gat-Sh 'manim and Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach says to his talmidim , "Sit down here while I daven ." * And he takes Kefa and Ya 'akov and Yochanan with him and he began to be distressed and to be troubled . * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach says to them , "My agmat nefesh is great , even to the point of mavet . Remain here and stay awake and shomer ." * And having gone forth a little , he was falling on the ground and was davening tefillos that , if it is possible , this sha 'ah might pass from him ." * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach was saying , "Abba , Avi , all things [are ] possible for you . Take away this KOS [YESHAYAH strkjv @51:17 ] from me . But not what I will , but what you [will ]." * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach comes and finds them sleeping , and he says to Shimon Kefa , "Are you sleeping ? Were you not chozek to stay awake one hour ? * "Stay shomer and daven that you may not enter lidey nisayon . Indeed the ruach [is ] ready but the basar [is ] weak ." * And again Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach went away and davened the same dvarim as before .[14:36 ] * And once again he came and found them sleeping , for their eyes were falling shut , and they did not have da 'as of what they might answer him . * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach comes the shlishit (note :)third (:note ) time and says to them , "Sleep [for ] the remainder and take your rest . It is enough . The sha 'ah has come . Hinei , the Ben HaAdam is betrayed in the hands of chote 'im . * "Get up , let us go . Behold the one betraying me has drawn near ." THE HANDING OVER OF THE SEH HAELOHIM , REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH , THE PESACH KORBAN (note :)MT strkjv @26:47-56 ; MK strkjv @14:43-52 ; LK strkjv @22:47-53 ; JO strkjv @18:2-12 ; YESHAYAH strkjv @53:7 (:note ) * And , ofen ort (note :)immediately (:note ), bishas maise at the same time Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach is speaking , Yehudah arrives , one of the Shneym Asar , and with him a crowd with swords and clubs with Rashei Hakohanim the Chief Priests and the Sofrim Scribes and the Zekenim . * Now the one betraying Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach had given a signal to them , saying , "Whomever I may give the neshikah (note :)kiss (:note ), he is [the one ], seize him , and lead [him ] away under guard ." * And when he came , he ofen ort (note :)immediately (:note ) approached Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach and says , "Rebbe ," and he gave him the neshikah ." * And they laid their hands on him and arrested him . * But one of those standing by drew his cherev and struck the servant of the Kohen Gadol and cut off his ear . * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach answered and said to them , "Do you come out swords and clubs as against a ganav to arrest me ? * "Every day I was with you in the Beis HaMikdash teaching Torah and you did not arrest me ; but let the Kitvei Hakodesh be fulfilled ." [Yeshayah strkjv @53:7-12 ] * And , having left Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , everyone fled . * And a certain bochur was following along with Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , and the bochur was wearing nothing but a linen garment around his naked body , and they seized the bochur . * But the bochur ran away naked , leaving the linen garment behind . REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH BEFORE THE SANHEDRIN , THE BEGINNING OF HIS TZA 'AR (note :)PAIN AND SUFFERING (:note ): CONDEMNED ON THE BASIS OF PERJURED EDUT MT strkjv @26:57-68 ; MK strkjv @14:53-65 ; LK strkjv @22:54 , 63-65 ; JO strkjv @18:24 * And they led away Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach to the Kohen Gadol and all the Rashei Hakohanim (note :)the Chief Priests (:note ) and the Zekenim and the Sofrim Scribes were assembled . * And Shimon Kefa from a distance followed Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach right into the courtyard of the Kohen Gadol . And Kefa was sitting together with the servants and warming himself near the ohr of the aish . * And the Rashei Hakohanim (note :)the Chief Priests (:note ) and [the ] entire Sanhedrin were seeking edut testimony against Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach in order to bring the onesh mavet , and they were not finding any . * For many gave edut sheker against Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , and the eduyot (note :)testimonies (:note ) were not in agreement . * And some , taking the stand , were giving edut sheker against him , saying , * "We heard him saying , `I will bring churban to this Beis Hamikdash made with human hands , and , after shalosha yamim , another , not made with hands , I will build ." * So their eduyot was not identical . * And having stood up in their midst , the Kohen Gadol questioned Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , saying , "Do you not answer anything to what these bear solemn edut (note :)testimony (:note ) against you ?" * But Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach was silent and did not answer anything . [Yeshayah strkjv @53:7-8 ] Again the Kohen Gadol was questioning him and says to him , "Are you the Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , HaBen Hamevorakh ?" * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach said , "Ani hu , and you will see the BEN HAADAM [Daniel strkjv @7:13-14 ] YOSHEV LIMIN HaGevurah [Tehilllim strkjv @110:1 ] UVA IM ANENEI HASHOMAYIM " (note :)"the Ben HaAdam [Moshiach ] sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven "(:note ). * And the Kohen Gadol , making the keriah (note :)ritual tearing (:note ) of his tunic , says , "What further need do we have of edim ? [Vayikra strkjv @10:6 ; strkjv @21:10 ; strkjv @24:16 ; Bamidbar strkjv @14:6 ] * "You heard him commit Chillul Hashem gidduf (note :)blasphemy (:note ). How does it seem to you ?" And they all condemned Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach to be deserving of mishpat mavet . [Vayikra strkjv @24:16 ] * And some began to spit on Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach and to cover his face and to strike him and to say to him , "Let 's hear a dvar nevu 'ah !" And the shomrim took custody of him by slapping Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach . KEFA MAKES HAKHCHASHAH (note :)DENIAL (:note ) OF REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv @26:58 ,69-75 ; strkjv @14:54 ,66-72 ; LK strkjv @22:54-62 ; JO strkjv @18:15-18 ,25-27 * And Shimon Kefa being below in the courtyard , one of the maids of the Kohen Gadol comes by . * And having seen Kefa warming himself , having looked him over , she says , "You also were with the one from Natzeret , Yehoshua !" * But he denied [it ], saying , "I do not have da 'as nor binah of what you are saying ." And he walked away and went outside into the entryway and a tarnegol crowed . * And the maid , having seen him , began again to say to the ones having stood by , "This one is one of them !" * But again he made hakhchashah (note :)denial (:note ). And after a little [while ] again the ones having stood by were saying to Kefa , "You are one of them , for indeed you are a Gelili " inhabitant of the Galil . * And Kefa began to speak a kelala and to swear , "I do not have da 'as of this man--I don 't know the one of whom you speak !" * And ofen ort (note :)immediately (:note ), for a second time , a tarnegol crowed . And then Kefa remembered the dvar that Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach had spoken to him , "Before a tarnegol crows twice , shalosh pe 'amim three times you will make hakhchashah denial of me ." Markos strkjv @14:30 . And having broken down , Kefa was weeping .

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