
bwe@Mark:15:1 @ As soon as it was morning, the chief priests, leaders, and the scribes talked together. They tied Jesus and took him before Pilate to be judged.

bwe@Mark:15:2 @ Pilate asked him, Are you the King of the Jews? Jesus answered, Yes, I am.

bwe@Mark:15:3 @ The chief priests brought many complaints against Jesus.

bwe@Mark:15:4 @ Then Pilate asked him, Have you nothing to say? These people are bringing many complaints against you!

bwe@Mark:15:5 @ But Jesus said nothing. Pilate was very much surprised about this.

bwe@Mark:15:6 @ At the feast Pilate used to let one prisoner free. He let the people choose the man they wanted to go free.

bwe@Mark:15:7 @ In the prison was a man named Barabbas. He had led some people who had been fighting in the city. He had killed a man.

bwe@Mark:15:8 @ The people started shouting. They asked Pilate to let one prisoner free, as he used to do.

bwe@Mark:15:9 @ Then Pilate asked, Do you want me to let the King of the Jews go free?

bwe@Mark:15:10 @ He knew that the chief priests did not like Jesus. He knew that was why they brought Jesus to him.

bwe@Mark:15:11 @ But the chief priests talked to the people. They told them to ask Pilate to let Barabbas go free.

bwe@Mark:15:12 @ Pilate asked them, Then what shall I do with the man whom you call King of the Jews?

bwe@Mark:15:13 @ They shouted back, Nail him to a cross!

bwe@Mark:15:14 @ Pilate then asked, Why, what wrong thing has he done? But they shouted even more, Nail him to a cross!

bwe@Mark:15:15 @ Pilate wanted to please the people, so he let Barabbas go free. He told the soldiers to beat Jesus and nail him to a cross.

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