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* And immediately in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council . And they bound Jesus and led [Him ] away and delivered [Him ] to Pilate . * And Pilate asked Him , Are you the king of the Jews ? And answering He said to him , You say [it ]. * And the chief priests accused Him [of ] many things , but He answered nothing . * And Pilate asked Him again , saying , Do you answer nothing ? Behold how many things they witness against you ! * But Jesus still answered nothing , so that Pilate marveled . * And at [that ] feast he released to them one prisoner , whomever they desired . * And there was [one ] named Barabbas , bound with the insurgents , who had committed murder in the insurrection . * And the crowd , crying aloud , began to beg [him to do ] as he had always done to them . * But Pilate answered them , saying , Do you desire that I release to you the King of the Jews ? * For he knew that the chief priests had delivered Him because of envy . * But the chief priests moved the people that he should rather release Barabbas to them . * And Pilate answered and said again to them , What then do you desire that I should do [to him ] whom you call the King of the Jews ? * And they cried out again , Crucify him ! * Then Pilate said to them , Why ? What evil has he done ? And they much more cried out , Crucify him ! * And deciding to do the easiest [to ] the crowd , Pilate released Barabbas to them , and having scourged [Him ], delivered up Jesus to be crucified . * And the soldiers led Him away inside the court , which is [the ] praetorium . And they called together all the cohort . * And they clothed Him with purple and plaited a crown of thorns and put it around His [head ]. * And they began to salute Him , Hail , King of the Jews ! * And they struck Him on the head with a reed , and spat on Him , and placing the knees , [they ] bowed to Him . * And when they had mocked Him , they took the purple off Him and put His own clothes on Him and led Him out to crucify Him . * And they made one who was passing by , Simon a Cyrenian , coming out of the country , the father of Alexander and Rufus , to bear His cross . * And they brought Him to Golgotha Place (which translated is , Place of a Skull ). * And they gave Him wine mixed with myrrh to drink . But He did not take [it ]. * And when they had crucified Him , they divided His garments , casting lots on them , as , to what [each ] should take . * And it was [the ] third hour , and they crucified Him . * And the inscription of His accusation was written over [Him ], THE KING OF THE JEWS . * And with Him they crucified two thieves , the one off [the ] right , and one off [the ] left . * And the Scripture was fulfilled which said , And he was numbered with [the ] lawless . * And those who passed by blasphemed Him , wagging their heads and saying , Aha ! You [razing ] the temple and building [it ] in three days , * save yourself and come down from the cross ! * And also the chief priests mocking , with the scribes , said to one another , He saved others but he cannot save himself . * Let Christ the King of Israel now come down from the cross , so that we may see and believe . And they who were crucified with Him insulted Him . * And [it ] being [the ] sixth hour , darkness came over all the land until the ninth hour . * And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice , saying , Eloi , Eloi , lama sabachthani ? (which being translated is , My God , My God , why did You forsake Me ?) * And hearing , some of those standing by said , Behold , he calls Elijah . * And one ran and filled a sponge full of vinegar and put [it ] on a reed and gave [it ] to him to drink . [But they said ], Let alone , let us see if Elijah comes to take him down . * And letting out a loud voice , Jesus expired . * And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom . * And when the centurion , who stood across from him , saw that He cried out so , [and ] expired , he said , Truly this man was Son of God . * And also women were watching from a distance , among whom also was Mary Magdalene , and Mary the mother of James the less , and of Joses , and Salome , * (who also , when He was in Galilee , followed Him and ministered to Him ), and many [other ] women who came up with Him to Jerusalem . * And it , becoming evening already , since it was [the ] Preparation , that is , [the ] day before sabbath , * Joseph of Arimathea , an honorable counsellor , who also waited for the kingdom of God , came and went in boldly to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus . * And Pilate wondered if He were already dead . And calling the centurion , he asked him whether He had died already . * And when he knew [it ] from the centurion , he gave the body to Joseph . * And he bought a linen cloth , and took Him down , and wrapped [Him ] in the linen , and laid Him in a tomb which was cut out of a rock , and rolled a stone to the door of the tomb . * And Mary Magdalene and Mary [the mother ] of Joses saw where He was laid . * And when the sabbath was past , Mary Magdalene and Mary , [the mother ] of James and Salome , had bought sweet spices so that they might come and anoint Him . * And very early in the morning , the first [day ] of the week , they came upon the tomb , the sun having risen . * And they said among themselves , Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us ? * And looking up , they saw that the stone had been rolled back , for it was very great . * And entering into the tomb , they saw a young man sitting on the right , clothed [in ] a long white garment . And they were frightened . * And he said to them , Do not be frightened . You seek Jesus of Nazareth , who was crucified . He is risen , He is not here . Behold the place where they laid Him . * But go tell His disciples and Peter that He goes before you into Galilee . There you will see Him , as He said to you . * And they went out quickly and fled from the tomb . For they trembled and were amazed . Neither did they say anything to anyone , for they were afraid . * And when [Jesus ] had risen early the first [day ] of the Sabbath , He appeared first to Mary Magdalene , out of whom He had cast seven demons . * She went [and ] told those who had been with Him , as they mourned and wept . * And those hearing that He lives , and was seen by her , they did not believe . * After that He appeared in another form to two of them , walking [and ] going into the country . * And they went and told [it ] to the rest . Neither did they believe those . * Afterward He appeared to the Eleven as they reclined . And [He ] reproached their unbelief and hardness of heart , because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen . * And He said to them , Go into all the world , proclaim the gospel to all the creation . * He who believes and is baptized will be saved , but he who does not believe will be condemned . * And miraculous ] signs will follow to those believing these things : in My name they will cast out demons ; they will speak new tongues ; * they will take up serpents ; and if they drink any deadly thing , it will not hurt them . They will lay hands on [the ] sick , and they will be well . * Then indeed , after speaking to them , the Lord was taken up into Heaven , and sat on [the ] right hand of God . * And going out , they proclaimed everywhere , the Lord working with [them ] and confirming the word by miraculous ] signs following . Amen . * And thinking [about it ], he came to the house of Mary the mother of John , whose last name was Mark ; where many had gathered together to pray . * And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled the ministry , having taken with [them ] John , whose last name was Mark . * And Barnabas determined to take with [them ] John , he being called Mark . * Then there was sharp feeling , so as to separate them from each other . And taking Mark , Barnabas sailed to Cyprus . * Aristarchus my fellow prisoner greets you , and Mark , the cousin of Barnabas (regarding whom you received commandments ; if he comes to you , receive him ), * Only Luke is with me . Take Mark [and ] bring [him ] with you , for he is profitable to me for [the ] ministry . * and also Mark , Aristarchus , Demas , Luke , my fellow-laborers . * The fellow-elected in Babylon greet you ; also Mark my son .

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[BookofMark] [Mark:14] [Mark:15-16 ] [Mark:16] [Discuss] Tag Mark:15-16 [Audio][Presentation]