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* Verse 1-12 - It was this man 's misery that he needed to be so carried , and shows the suffering state of human life ; it was kind of those who so carried him , and teaches the compassion that should be in men , toward their fellow-creatures in distress . True faith and strong faith may work in various ways ; but it shall be accepted and approved by Jesus Christ . Sin is the cause of all our pains and sicknesses . The way to remove the effect , is to take away the cause . Pardon of sin strikes at the root of all diseases . Christ proved his power to forgive sin , by showing his power to cure the man sick of the palsy . And his curing diseases was a figure of his pardoning sin , for sin is the disease of the soul ; when it is pardoned , it is healed . When we see what Christ does in healing souls , we must own that we never saw the like . Most men think themselves whole ; they feel no need of a physician , therefore despise or neglect Christ and his gospel . But the convinced , humbled sinner , who despairs of all help , excepting from the Saviour , will show his faith by applying to him without delay . * Verse 13-17 - Matthew was not a good character , or else , being a Jew , he would never have been a publican , that is , a tax-gatherer for the Romans . However , Christ called this publican to follow him . With God , through Christ , there is mercy to pardon the greatest sins , and grace to change the greatest sinners , and make them holy . A faithful , fair-dealing publican was rare . And because the Jews had a particular hatred to an office which proved that they were subject to the Romans , they gave these tax-gatherers an ill name . But such as these our blessed Lord did not hesitate to converse with , when he appeared in the likeness of sinful flesh . And it is no new thing for that which is both well done and well designed , to be slandered , and turned to the reproach of the wisest and best of men . Christ would not withdraw , though the Pharisees were offended . If the world had been righteous , there had been no occasion for his coming , either to preach repentance , or to purchase forgiveness . We must not keep company with ungodly men out of love to their vain conversation ; but we are to show love to their souls , remembering that our good Physician had the power of healing in himself , and was in no danger of taking the disease ; but it is not so with us . In trying to do good to others , let us be careful we do not get harm to ourselves . * Verse 18-22 - Strict professors are apt to blame all that do not fully come up to their own views . Christ did not escape slanders ; we should be willing to bear them , as well as careful not to deserve them ; but should attend to every part of our duty in its proper order and season . * Verse 23-28 - The sabbath is a sacred and Divine institution ; a privilege and benefit , not a task and drudgery . God never designed it to be a burden to us , therefore we must not make it so to ourselves . The sabbath was instituted for the good of mankind , as living in society , having many wants and troubles , preparing for a state of happiness or misery . Man was not made for the sabbath , as if his keeping it could be of service to God , nor was he commanded to keep it outward observances to his real hurt . Every observance respecting it , is to be interpreted by the rule of mercy . **** Matthew Henry 's Commentary ****

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