
rwp@Mark:4:26 @{As if a man should cast} (\h“s anthr“pos balˆi\). Note \h“s\ with the aorist subjunctive without \an\. It is a supposable case and so the subjunctive and the aorist tense because a single instance. Blass considers this idiom "quite impossible," but it is the true text here and makes good sense (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 968). The more common idiom would have been \h“s ean\ (or \an\).

rwp@Mark:4:27 @{Should sleep and rise} (\katheudˆi kai egeirˆtai\). Present subjunctive for continued action. Songs:also {spring up and grow} (\blastƒi kai mˆkunˆtai\) two late verbs. The process of growth goes on all night and all day (\nukta kai hˆmeran\, accusative of time). {He knoweth not how} (\h“s ouk oiden autos\). Note position of \h“s\ (beginning) and \autos\ (end) of clause: {How knows not he}. The mystery of growth still puzzles farmers and scientists of today with all our modern knowledge. But nature's secret processes do not fail to operate because we are ignorant. This secret and mysterious growth of the kingdom in the heart and life is the point of this beautiful parable given only by Mark. "When man has done his part, the actual process of growth is beyond his reach or comprehension" (Swete).

rwp@Mark:4:28 @{Of herself} (\automatˆ\). Automatically, we say. The secret of growth is in the seed, not in the soil nor in the weather nor in the cultivating. These all help, but the seed spontaneously works according to its own nature. The word \automatˆ\ is from \autos\ (self) and \memaa\ desire eagerly from obsolete \ma“\. Common word in all Greek history. Only one other example in N.T., in strkjv@Acts:12:10| when the city gate opens to Peter of its own accord. "The mind is adapted to the truth, as the eye to the light" (Gould). Songs:we sow the seed, God's kingdom truth, and the soil (the soul) is ready for the seed. The Holy Spirit works on the heart and uses the seed sown and makes it germinate and grow, "first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear" (\pr“ton chorton, eiten stachun, eiten plˆrˆ siton en t“i stachui\). This is the law and order of nature and also of grace in the kingdom of God. Hence it is worth while to preach and teach. "This single fact creates the confidence shown by Jesus in the ultimate establishment of his kingdom in spite of the obstacles which obstruct its progress" (Gould).

rwp@Mark:4:29 @{Is ripe} (\paradoi\, second aorist subjunctive with \hotan\). Whenever the fruit yields itself or permits. {Putteth forth} (\apostellei\). Sends forth the sickle. The word for _apostle_ comes from this verb. See strkjv@John:4:38|: "I sent you forth to reap" (\ego apesteila humƒs therizein\). Sickle (\drepanon\) here by metonymy stands for the reapers who use it when the harvest stands ready for it (\parestˆken\, stands by the side, present perfect indicative).

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