
bwe@Mark:5:25 @ A woman among them had a sickness for twelve years. She was bleeding all the time.

bwe@Mark:5:26 @ Many doctors tried to heal her. She spent all the money she had to pay them. She was not better, but was getting worse.

bwe@Mark:5:27 @ When she heard of Jesus, she came among the people behind him. Then she reached out and touched his clothes.

bwe@Mark:5:28 @ She said to herself, If only I touch his clothes, I will be well.

bwe@Mark:5:29 @ The bleeding stopped right away. She could feel that she was healed of her trouble.

bwe@Mark:5:30 @ Jesus knew right away that power to heal went out from him. He turned around among the people and said, Who touched my clothes?

bwe@Mark:5:31 @ But his disciples said to him, You see all these people pushing around you. Why do you ask, "Who touched me?"

bwe@Mark:5:32 @ He looked around to see who had done it.

bwe@Mark:5:33 @ The woman was afraid and trembled. She knew what had happened to her. She kneeled down in front of Jesus and told him the truth about herself.

bwe@Mark:5:34 @ He said to her, Daughter, you were healed because you believed. Go and do not be troubled. You are healed.

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