
Seeker Overlay ON

* And they came unto the other side of the sea , into the country of the Gerasenes . * And , when he went forth out of the boat , straightway , there met him , from amongst the tombs , a man , in an impure spirit : * who had his dwelling among the tombs , and , not even with a chain , any longer , was anyone able to bind him , * because of his having been , many times , with fetters and chains , bound , and the chains having been plucked asunder by him , and the fetters smashed , and no one was mighty enough to tame him ; * and , continually , night and day , in the tombs and in the mountains , was he crying aloud , and cutting himself in pieces with stones . * And , seeing Jesus from afar , he ran and bowed down to him ; * and , crying out with a loud voice , saith What have in common with thee ? O Jesus , Son of God Most High ? I adjure thee by God , Do not torment me ! * For he was saying to him Go forth thou impure spirit , out of the man ; * and he was questioning him What is thy name ? and he saith to him Legion , is my name , because we are , many ; * and he was beseeching him much that he would not send them forth outside the country . * Now there was there , near the mountain , a large herd of swine , feeding ; * and they besought him , saying Send us into the swine , that , into them , we may enter ; * and he suffered them . And the impure spirits , going out , entered into the swine , and the herd rushed down the cliff into the sea , about two thousand , and were choked in the sea . * And , they who had been feeding them , fled , and bare tidings into the city and into the fields , and they came to see what it was that had happened . * And they come unto Jesus , and view the demonized man , clothed and of sound mind , him who had had the legion , and they were struck with fear . * And the beholders narrated to them , how it happened to the demonized man , and concerning the swine . * And they began to beseech him , to depart from their bounds . * And , as he was entering into the boat , he who had been demonized was beseeching him , that , with him , he might be . * And he suffered him not , but saith unto him Withdraw into thy house , unto thine own , and bear tidings unto them , how many things the Lord for thee hath done , and hath had mercy on thee . * And he departed , and began proclaiming , in the Decapolis , how many things Jesus had done for him , and , all , were marvelling . * And , Jesus crossing over in the boat again unto the other side , there was gathered a large multitude unto him , and he was by the lake . * And there cometh one of the synagogue-rulers , by name Jairus , and , seeing him , falleth at his feet , * and beseecheth him much , saying My little daughter is at her last !that , coming , thou wouldest lay thy hands upon her , that she may be made well , and live ; * and he departed with him . And there was following him a large multitude , and they were pressing upon him . * And , a woman , who had had a flow of blood twelve years , * and suffered much from many physicians , and spent all her means , and profited , nothing , but had , rather , become worse , * hearing the things about Jesus , came in the crowd from behind , and touched his mantle ; * for she was saying If I can touch so much as his mantle , I shall be made well ; * and , straightway , the fountain of her blood was dried up , and she knew , in her body , that she was healed from the plague . * And , straightway , Jesus , taking note in himself of the power which , out of him , went forth , turning round in the crowd , was saying Who hath touched my garments ? * and his disciples were saying to him Thou seest the crowd pressing upon thee , and sayest thou Who hath touched me ? * and he was looking round to see her who , this thing had done . * And , the woman , overcome with fear , and trembling , knowing what had happened to her , came , and fell down before him , and told him all the truth . * And , he , said to her Daughter ! thy faith hath made thee well ; withdraw into peace , and be whole from thy plague . * While yet he is speaking , they come from the synagogue-rulers , saying Thy daughter , is dead ! Why , further , annoy the teacher ? * But , Jesus , overhearing the word being spoken , saith unto the synagogue-ruler Do not fear , only have faith ! * And he suffered no one to follow with him , save Peter and James and John the brother of James . * And they come into the house of the synagogue-ruler , and he observeth a tumult , and persons weeping and wailing greatly ; * and , entering , he saith unto them Why are ye making a tumult , and weeping ? The child , is , not dead , but , is sleeping ; * and they were deriding him . But , he , thrusting all forth , taketh with him the father of the child , and the mother , and them who were with him , and entereth where the child was ; * and , grasping the hand of the child , he saith unto her Talitha , koum ! which is , when translated O damsel ! to thee , I say , Arise ! * And , straightway , the damsel arose , and was walking about ; for she was twelve years of age . And they were beside themselves , straightway , with a great transport ; * and he commanded them , again and again , that , no one , should get to know this thing , and bade that food should be given her to eat .

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