
bwe@Mark:7:24 @ Right away a woman heard of him. She came and kneeled down before him. Her daughter had a bad spirit in her.

bwe@Mark:7:25 @ The woman was not a Jew and had been born in the country of Phoenicia in Syria. She begged Jesus to drive the bad spirit out of her daughter.

bwe@Mark:7:26 @ But Jesus said to her, We will give the children all they want to eat first. It is not right to take the childrens food and give it to the little dogs.

bwe@Mark:7:27 @ She answered, Yes, Sir. But even the little dogs under the table eat food that falls from the childrens table.

bwe@Mark:7:28 @ Jesus said to her, Because you have said this, you may go home. The bad spirit has gone out of your daughter.

bwe@Mark:7:29 @ When she came to her house, she found that the bad spirit had left. Her daughter was lying on the bed.

bwe@Mark:7:30 @ Jesus went away from Tyre and Sidon and came to the sea of Galilee. He passed through the country of the Ten Towns.

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