
wmth@Matthew:13:47 @ »Again the Kingdom of the Heavens is like a draw-net let down into the sea, which encloses fish of all sorts.«

wmth@Matthew:13:48 @ When full, they haul it up on the beach, and sit down and collect the good fish in baskets, while the worthless they throw away.

wmth@Matthew:13:49 @ So will it be at the Close of the Age. The angels will go forth and separate the wicked from among the righteous,

wmth@Matthew:13:50 @ and will throw them into the fiery furnace. There will be the weeping aloud and the gnashing of teeth.«

wmth@Matthew:13:51 @ »Have you understood all this?« He asked. »Yes,« they said.

wmth@Matthew:13:52 @ »Therefore,« He said, »remember that every Scribe well trained for the Kingdom of the Heavens is like a householder who brings out of his storehouse new things and old.«

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