
orthjbc@Matthew:13:1 @ On that day, having gone out of the bais, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach sat beside the lake.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:2 @ And many multitudes gathered together to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach so that he got into a sirah (note:)boat(:note) to sit down, and the entire multitude stood along the shore.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:3 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach told them many things in meshalim (note:)parables(:note), saying "Hinei! The Sower went out to sow [seeds].

orthjbc@Matthew:13:4 @ And while he sowed, on the one hand, this [seed] fell along the road, and, the birds having come, devoured them.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:5 @ And others fell upon the rocky places, where there is not much soil, and immediately it sprouts on account of the lack of the soil's depth.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:6 @ And when the shemesh arose, the zera (note:)seed(:note) was scorched, and because it did not have a root, it withered.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:7 @ And others fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:8 @ But others fell on the good ground, and they yielded fruit: the one, one hundred, the other, sixty, the other, thirty.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:9 @ The one having ears, let him hear!"

orthjbc@Matthew:13:10 @ And, approaching, the talmidim said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Why in meshalim (note:)parables(:note) are you speaking to them?"

orthjbc@Matthew:13:11 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answered them, "Because to you it has been granted to know the razi'im (note:)mysteries(:note) of the Malchut HaShomayim, but to those it has not been granted.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:12 @ For whoever has, [more] will be given to him,and he will have an abundance. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him (note:)see Mt.25:14-29(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:13:13 @ For this reason in meshalim I am speaking to them, for while seeing they do not see, and [while] hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:14 @ And in them is fulfilled the nevu'ah (note:)prophecy(:note) of Yeshayah, saying, SHIM'U SHAMO'A V'AL TAVINU UREU RA'O V'AL TEIDA'U "In hearing you will hear and by no means understand, and seeing you will see and by no means perceive".

orthjbc@Matthew:13:15 @ HASHMEIN LEV HA'AM HAZEH V'AZNAV HACHBEID V'EINAV HASHA, PEN YIREH V'EINAV UVE'AZNAV YISHMAH U'LEVAVO YAVIN, V'SHAV N'RAFAH LOH. ("For the heart of this people has been made dull, and with [their] ears they are hard of hearing, and their eyes are shut, lest they see with the their eyes and with [their] ears they hear, and with the lev (note:)heart) they understand and they turn and I will give them refu'ah [healing]," YESHAYAH strkjv@6:9-10(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:13:16 @ But ashrey (note:)happy, blessed(:note) are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:17 @ For truly I say to you that many Nevi'im and tzaddikim desired to see what you see, and they did not see [it], and to hear what you hear, and they did not hear it. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH EXPLAINS THE MASHAL OF THE SOWER AND THE MESIRAT NEFESH (note:)DEVOTION(:note) NECESSARY TO ENTER THE MALCHUT HASHEM

orthjbc@Matthew:13:18 @ "You, therefore, listen to the mashal of the sower.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:19 @ When anyone hears the Dvar HaMalchut and does not understand it, haRah (note:)the Evil one(:note) comes and seizes that which was sown in his lev heart. This is the zera seed sown along the path.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:20 @ And the zera sown upon the rocky places is the person listening to the Dvar Hashem and immediately with simcha receives it.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:21 @ Yet he has no root in himself but is short-lived, and when ES TZARAH * comes or persecution on account of the Dvar Hashem, immediately he ceases being a ma'amin Meshichi (note:)Messianic believer(:note) and becomes meshummad apostate, falling away and giving up the [true Orthodox Jewish] faith.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:22 @ And the [zera] sown among the thorns is the one hearing the dvar (note:)word(:note), and the rogez HaOlam Hazeh the anxiety of this age, DEVARIM strkjv@28:65 and the deceit of riches, chokes the Dvar Hashem and it becomes unfruitful.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:23 @ And the zera sown upon the adamah hatovah (note:)the good ground(:note), this is the one who hears the Dvar Hashem and, understanding [it], indeed bears p'ri and, one produces a hundred, the other sixty, the other thirty." ANOTHER MASHAL

orthjbc@Matthew:13:24 @ Another mashal Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach placed before them, saying, "The Malchut HaShomayim is like a man sowing zera tov (note:)good seed(:note) in his field.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:25 @ But while men slept, his oyev (note:)enemy(:note) came and oversowed weeds in between the wheat and went away.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:26 @ But when the wheat sprouted and produced p'ri, then the weeds also appeared.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:27 @ So the servants of the Ba'al Bayit said to him, `Adoneinu, did you not sow zera tov (note:)good seed(:note) in your field? How then does it have weeds?

orthjbc@Matthew:13:28 @ And he said to them, An oyev did this. So the servants say to him,`Do you want us to go and pull them all?

orthjbc@Matthew:13:29 @ But he says, No, lest gathering the weeds you should uproot the wheat together with them.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:30 @ Permit both to grow together until the katzir (note:)harvest(:note); and in time of the katzir, I will say to the kotzerim reapers, "Collect first the weeds, and bind them into bundles to burn them. But the wheat gather into my barn." * ANOTHER MASHAL

orthjbc@Matthew:13:31 @ Another mashal Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach placed before them, saying, "The Malchut HaShomayim is like a mustard seed, which a man, taking, sowed in his field.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:32 @ This which is indeed less than all the zera'im (note:)seeds(:note), but when it grows, it is larger than the garden vegetables and it becomes an aitz tree, so that the OF HASHOMAYIM the birds of heaven, IYOV strkjv@35:11 come and dwell in its branches." ANOTHER MASHAL

orthjbc@Matthew:13:33 @ Another mashal Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach spoke to them. "The Malchut HaShomayim is like se'or (note:)leaven(:note), which having taken, a woman hid in shalosh three satas of wheat flour until the whole was leavened."

orthjbc@Matthew:13:34 @ All these things Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach spoke in mashalim to the multitudes. And apart from mashalim Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach did not speak to them,

orthjbc@Matthew:13:35 @ so that might be fulfilled what was spoken through the Navi, saying, EFT'CHA V'MASHAL PI A'VIAH CHIDOT MINI-KEDEM (note:)"I will open my mouth with parables, I will utter things having been hidden from the foundation of the world," TEHILLIM strkjv@78:2(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:13:36 @ Then having sent away the multitudes, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came into the bais (note:)house(:note). And Moshiach's talmidim approached him, saying, `Explain to us the mashal of the weeds of the field.`

orthjbc@Matthew:13:37 @ And answering, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, `The Sower of the zera tov is the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:13:38 @ The field is HaOlam Hazeh. And the zera tov, the good seed, these are the Bnei HaMalchut, and the weeds, these are the bnei haRah (note:)sons of the Evil one, Bereshis strkjv@3:15(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:13:39 @ And the Oyev (note:)the Enemy(:note) sowing them is Hasatan. And the Katzir Harvest, this is the Kets HaOlam the end of the age. And the kotzerim reapers, harvesters are malachim angels.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:40 @ As the weeds are pulled up and gathered and are consumed with Aish (note:)Fire(:note), so also it will be at the Kets HaOlam.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:41 @ The Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach(:note) will send forth his malachim, and they will pull up and gather out of the Moshiach's Malchut all the things making meshummad apostate and the ones who are without Torah and antinomian.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:42 @ And Moshiach's malachim will throw them into the furnace of Aish; there will be weeping and grinding of the teeth.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:43 @ Then the tzaddikim will shine as the shemesh in the Malchut of their Father. The one having ears, let him hear.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:44 @ The Malchut HaShomayim is like otzar (note:)treasure(:note) hidden in the field, which, having found, a man hid. And from the simcha he experienced, he goes away and sells everything which he has and buys that field.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:45 @ Again, the Malchut HaShomayim is like a merchant searching for fine pearls.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:46 @ And having found one precious pearl, he went away and liquidated everything he had and acquired it.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:47 @ Again, the Malchut HaShomayim is like a reshet (note:)net(:note) having been cast into the lake, a reshet collecting and gathering dagim fish of all descriptions,

orthjbc@Matthew:13:48 @ which, when this reshet (note:)net(:note) was filled, they hoisted it upon the shore, sat down, collected the tov into a creel, and the rah, they threw out.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:49 @ Thus it will be at the Kets HaOlam Hazeh. The malachim will go out and they will separate the resha'im from among the tzaddikim.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:50 @ And they will throw the resha'im into the furnace of Aish. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:51 @ Did you understand all these things?" They say to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Ken."

orthjbc@Matthew:13:52 @ So Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Therefore, every sofer (note:)scribe, Torah-teacher(:note) who becomes a talmid of the Malchut HaShomayim is like a man [who is] a Ba'al Bayit, who takes out of his otzar treasure, chadashot new things and also yeshanot old things."

orthjbc@Matthew:13:53 @ And it came about when Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach finished these meshalim, that he went away from there. TAKING OFFENSE AT REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@Matthew:13:54 @ And having come into Moshiach's shtetl, he began ministering as a moreh (note:)teacher(:note) in their shul, so they were amazed and said, "From where did this chochmah come to this one, this chochmah and these moftim miracles/wonders/omens?

orthjbc@Matthew:13:55 @ Is this not the ben hanaggar (note:)the carpenter's son(:note)? Is not his Em called Miryam? And are not his achim Ya'akov, Yosef, Shimon and Y'hudah?

orthjbc@Matthew:13:56 @ And are not his achayot (note:)sisters(:note) with us? From where, therefore, came to this one all these things?"

orthjbc@Matthew:13:57 @ And they were taking offense at Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "A Navi (note:)prophet(:note) is not dishonored except in his hometown and in his bais."

orthjbc@Matthew:13:58 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach did not accomplish in that place many moftim, because of their lack of emunah and bittachon.

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