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* And behold , a Canaanite woman having come out from those regions , cried out to him , saying , Be merciful to me , O Lord , thou son of David , my daughter is grievously demon-possessed . * But he answered her not a word . And his disciples having approached , they besought him , saying , Send her away , because she cries out behind us . * But having answered , he said , I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel . * But having come , she worshiped him , saying , Lord , help me . * And having answered , he said , It is not right to take the children 's bread and cast it to the house dogs . * But she said , Yes , Lord , for even the house dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the table of their masters . * Then Jesus having answered , said to her , O woman , great is thy faith . Be it done for thee as thou desire . And her daughter was healed from that hour . * And having departed from there , Jesus came near the sea of Galilee . And having gone up onto the mountain , he sat there .

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[BookofMatthew] [Matthew:14] [Matthew:15] [Matthew:16] [Discuss] Tag Matthew:15:22-29 [Audio][Presentation]