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* Then , there come unto Jesus from Jerusalem Pharisees and Scribes , saying * Wherefore do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders ? for they wash not their hands , when they eat bread ! * But , he , answering , said unto them Wherefore do , ye also , transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition ? * For , God , said Honour thy father and thy mother , and He that revileth father or mother , let him , surely die ! * But , ye , say Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother A gift ! Whatsoever , out of me , thou mightest be profited , * in nowise , shall honour his father or his motherand so ye have cancelled , the word of God , for the sake of your , tradition . * Hypocrites ! well prophesied concerning you , Isaiah , saying * This people , with the lips , do , honour , me , while , their heart , far off , holdeth from me ; * But , in vain , do they pay devotions unto me , teaching , for teachings , the commandments of men . * And , calling near the multitude , he said to them Hear and understand ! * Not that which entereth into the mouth , defileth the man , but , that which proceedeth out of the mouth , the same , defileth the man , * Then , coming near , his disciples say unto him Knowest thou , that the Pharisees , hearing the word , were caused to stumble ? * And , he , answering , said Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted , will be uprooted : * Let them alone ! they are , blind leaders ; and , if the , blind , lead the , blind , both , into a ditch , will fall . * And Peter , answering , said unto him , Declare to us the parable . * And , he , said , To this moment , are , ye also , without discernment ? * Perceive ye not that , every thing which entereth into the mouth , into the stomach , findeth way , and , into the draught , is passed ; * while , the things which proceed out of the mouth , out of the heart , come forth , and , they , defile the man . * For , out of the heart , come forth wicked designs , murders , adulteries , fornications , thefts , false testimonies , profane speakings : * these , are the things which defile the man , but , the eating with unwashed hands , doth not defile the man . * And , going forth from thence , Jesus retired into the parts of Tyre and Zidon . * And lo ! a Canaanite woman , from those bounds , coming forth , began crying out , saying , Have mercy on me , Lord , Son of David ! My daughter , is miserably demonized . * But , he , answered her no a word . And his disciples , coming forward began requesting him , saying Dismiss her , because she is crying out after us . * But , he , answering , said , I was not sent forth , save unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel . * And , she , coming , began bowing down to him , saying , Lord ! help me . * But , he , answering , said , It is , not seemly , to take the loaf of , the children , and cast , to the little dogs . * And , she , said , True , Lord ! for , even the little dogs , eat of the crumbs which are falling from the table of , their masters . * Then , answering , Jesus said to her O woman ! great , is , thy faith ! Be it , done , for thee , as thou desirest . And her daughter was healed , from that hour . * And , passing on from thence , Jesus came near the sea of Galilee , and , going up into the mountain , was sitting there . * And there came unto him large multitudes , having with themselves the lame , the maimed , the blind , the dumb , and many others , and they cast them near his feet , and he cured them ; * so that the multitude marvelled , seeing the dumb speaking , the lame walking , and the blind seeing , and they glorified the God of Israel . * But , Jesus , calling near his disciples , said My compassions are moved towards the multitude , because even now , three days , abide they with me , and they have nothing to eat , and , to dismiss them fasting , I am not willing , lest by any means they faint in the way . * And his disciples say unto him Whence , to us , in a wilderness , loaves in such numbers as to fill a multitude , so great ? * And Jesus saith unto them How many , loaves have ye ? And , they , said , Seven , and a few small fishes . * And , sending word to the multitude to recline upon the ground , * he took the seven loaves , and the fishes , and , giving thanks , brake , and began giving to his disciples , and , the disciples , to the multitudes . * And they all did eat and were filled , and , the remainder of the broken pieces , took they up , seven hampers , full . * And , they who did eat , were four thousand men , besides women and children . * And , dismissing the multitudes , he went up into the boat , and came into the bounds of Magadan .

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