
bwe@Matthew:16:5 @ When the disciples reached the other side of the sea, they found they had forgotten to bring any bread with them.

bwe@Matthew:16:6 @ Jesus said, Watch! Do not let the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees spoil you.

bwe@Matthew:16:7 @ The disciples said to each other, He said that because we did not bring any bread.

bwe@Matthew:16:8 @ Jesus knew what they were saying. He said to them, You dont believe very much in me. Why are you saying to each other, "We have no bread".

bwe@Matthew:16:9 @ Do you not yet understand? When there were five thousand people, there were only five loaves of bread. Do you not remember how many baskets full of pieces you gathered up?

bwe@Matthew:16:10 @ When there were four thousand people, there were only seven loaves. Do you not remember how many baskets full of pieces you gathered up?

bwe@Matthew:16:11 @ Why do you not understand that I was not talking about bread? Take care. Do not let the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees spoil you.

bwe@Matthew:16:12 @ Then they understood that he was not talking about bread. He did not mean that the yeast of bread would spoil them. They understood that he was talking about the things the Pharisees and Sadducees taught.

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