
Seeker Overlay ON

* And one out of the multitude said to him , Teacher , bid my brother divide the inheritance with me . * But he said to him , Man , who made me a judge or a divider over you (note :){+}(:note )? * And he said to them , Take heed , and keep yourselves from all greed : for a man 's life does not consist in the abundance of the things which he possesses . * And he spoke a parable to them , saying , The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully : * and he reasoned to himself , saying , What shall I do , because I don 't have a place to bestow my fruits ? * And he said , I will do this : I will pull down my barns , and build greater ; and there I will bestow all my grain and my goods . * And I will say to my soul , Soul , you have much goods laid up for many years ; take your ease , eat , drink , be merry . * But God said to him , You foolish one , this [is ] the night they demand back your soul from you ; and the things which you have prepared , whose will they be ? * So is he who lays up treasure for himself , and is not rich toward God . * And he said to his disciples , Therefore I say to you (note :){+}(:note ), don 't be anxious for your {+} life , what you {+} will eat , or what you {+} will drink ; nor yet for your {+} body , what you {+} will put on . Isn 't life more than food , and body than clothing ? * Look at the birds of the heaven , that they do not sow , neither do they reap , nor gather into barns ; and your (note :){+}(:note ) heavenly Father feeds them . Are not you {+} of much more value then they ? * And which of you (note :){+}(:note ) by being anxious can add one cubit to the measure of his life ? * And why are you (note :){+}(:note ) anxious concerning clothing ? Consider the lilies of the field , how they grow ; they do not toil , neither do they spin : * yet I say to you (note :){+}(:note ), that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these . * But if God so clothes the grass of the field , which today is [here ], and tomorrow is cast into the oven , [will he ] not much more [clothe ] you (note :){+}(:note ), O you {+} of little faith ? * Therefore don 't be anxious , saying , What shall we eat ? Or , What shall we drink ? Or , With what shall we be clothed ? * For after all these things the Gentiles seek ; for your (note :){+}(:note ) heavenly Father knows that you {+} have need of all these things . * But seek (note :){+}(:note ) first the kingdom of God , and his righteousness ; and all these things will be added to you {+}. * Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on the earth , where moth and rust consume , and where thieves break through and steal : * but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven , where neither moth nor rust consumes , and where thieves do not break through nor steal : * for where your treasure is , there will your heart be also . * Let your (note :){+}(:note ) loins be girded about , and your {+} lamps burning ; * and be (note :){+}(:note ) yourselves like men looking for their lord , when he will return from the marriage feast ; that , when he comes and knocks , they may right away open to him . * Blessed are those slaves , whom the lord when he comes will find watching : truly I say to you (note :){+}(:note ), that he will gird himself , and make them sit down to meat , and will come and serve them . * And if he will come in the second watch , and if in the third , and find [them ] so , blessed are those [slaves ]. * But know this , that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming , he would have watched , and would not have allowed his house to be broken through . * Therefore you (note :){+}(:note ) also be ready ; for in an hour that you {+} do not think the Son of Man comes . * Who then is the faithful and wise slave , whom his lord has set over his household , to give them their food in due season ? * Blessed is that slave , whom his lord when he comes will find so doing . * Truly I say to you (note :){+}(:note ), that he will set him over all that he has . * But if that evil slave says in his heart , My lord tarries ; * and begins to beat his fellow slaves , and to eat and drink , and to be drunk ; * the lord of that slave will come in a day when he does not expect , and in an hour when he does not know , * and will cut him apart , and appoint his portion with the unfaithful . * For as [were ] the days of Noah , so will be the coming of the Son of Man . * For as in those days which were before the flood , they were eating and drinking , marrying and giving in marriage , until the day that Noah entered into the ark , * and they didn 't know until the flood came , and took them all away ; so also will be the coming of the Son of Man . * Then will two men be in the field ; one is taken , and one is left : * two women [will be ] grinding at the mill ; one is taken , and one is left . * And he went on his way through cities and villages , teaching , and journeying on to Jerusalem .

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