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* And when they were departed (5660 ), behold (5628 ), the angel of the Lord appeareth (5727 ) to Joseph in a dream , saying (5723 ), Arise (5685 ), and take (5628 ) the young child and his mother , and flee (5720 ) into Egypt , and be thou (5749 ) there until I bring thee word (5632 ): for Herod will (5719 ) seek (5721 ) the young child to destroy (5658 ) him . * When he arose (5685 ), he took (5627 ) the young child and his mother by night , and departed (5656 ) into Egypt : * And was (5713 ) there until the death of Herod : that it might be fulfilled (5686 ) which was spoken (5685 ) of the Lord by the prophet , saying (5723 ), Out of Egypt have I called (5656 ) my son . * Then Herod , when he saw (5631 ) that he was mocked (5681 ) of the wise men , was exceeding wroth (5681 ), and sent forth (5660 ), and slew (5627 ) all the children that were in Bethlehem , and in all the coasts thereof , from two years old and under , according to the time which he had diligently enquired (5656 ) of the wise men . * Then was fulfilled (5681 ) that which was spoken (5685 ) by Jeremy the prophet , saying (5723 ), * In Rama was there a voice heard (5681 ), lamentation , and weeping , and great mourning , Rachel weeping (5723 ) for her children , and would (5707 ) not be comforted (5683 ), because they are (5748 ) not . * But when Herod was dead (5660 ), behold (5628 ), an angel of the Lord appeareth (5727 ) in a dream to Joseph in Egypt , * Saying (5723 ), Arise (5685 ), and take (5628 ) the young child and his mother , and go (5737 ) into the land of Israel : for they are dead (5758 ) which sought (5723 ) the young childs life . * And he arose (5685 ), and took (5627 ) the young child and his mother , and came (5627 ) into the land of Israel . * But when he heard (5660 ) that Archelaus did reign (5719 ) in Judaea in the room of his father Herod , he was afraid (5675 ) to go (5629 ) thither : notwithstanding , being warned of God (5685 ) in a dream , he turned aside (5656 ) into the parts of Galilee : * And he came (5631 ) and dwelt (5656 ) in a city called (5746 ) Nazareth : that it might be fulfilled (5686 ) which was spoken (5685 ) by the prophets , He shall be called (5701 ) a Nazarene .

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[BookofMatthew] [Matthew:1] [Matthew:2] [Matthew:3] [Discuss] Tag Matthew:2:13-23 [Audio][Presentation]