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* But what do you think ? A man had two sons , and he came to the first , and said , 'Son , go work today in my vineyard .' * He answered , 'I will not ,' but afterward he changed his mind , and went . * He came to the second , and said the same thing . He answered , 'I go , sir ,' but he didn 't go . * Which of the two did the will of his father ?" They said to him , "The first ." Jesus said to them , "Most certainly I tell you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering into the Kingdom of God before you . * For John came to you in the way of righteousness , and you didn 't believe him , but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him . When you saw it , you didn 't even repent afterward , that you might believe him .

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[BookofMatthew] [Matthew:20] [Matthew:21] [Matthew:22] [Discuss] Tag Matthew:21:28-32 [Audio][Presentation]