
rwp@Matthew:21:33 @{A hedge} (\phragmon\). Or fence as a protection against wild beasts. {Digged a winepress} (\“ruxen lˆnon\). Out of the solid rock to hold the grapes and wine as they were crushed. Such wine-vats are to be seen today in Palestine. {Built a tower} (\“ikodomˆsen purgon\). This for the vinedressers and watchmen (2Chronicles:26:10|). Utmost care was thus taken. Note "a booth in a vineyard" (Isaiah:1:8|). See also strkjv@Isaiah:24:20; strkjv@Job:27:18|. Let it out (\exedeto, exedoto\ the usual form). For hire, the terms not being given. The lease allowed three forms, money-rent, a proportion of the crop, or a definite amount of the produce whether it was a good or bad year. Probably the last form is that contemplated here.

rwp@Matthew:21:34 @{His servants} (\tous doulous autou\). These slaves are distinguished from {the husbandmen} (\ge“rgoi\, workers of the soil) or workers of the vineyard who had leased it from the householder before he went away. The conduct of the husbandmen towards the householder's slaves portrays the behaviour of the Jewish people and the religious leaders in particular towards the prophets and now towards Christ. The treatment of God's prophets by the Jews pointedly illustrates this parable.

rwp@Matthew:21:35 @{They will reverence my son} (\entrapˆsontai ton huion mou\). Second future passive from \entrep“\, to turn at, but used transitively here as though active or middle. It is the picture of turning with respect when one worthy of it appears.

rwp@Matthew:21:38 @{Take his inheritance} (\sch“men tˆn klˆronomian autou\). Ingressive aorist active subjunctive (hortatory, volitive) of \ech“\. Let us get his inheritance.

rwp@Matthew:21:41 @{He will miserably destroy those miserable men} (\kakous kak“s apolesei autous\). The paronomasia or assonance is very clear. A common idiom in literary Greek. "He will put the wretches to a wretched death" (Weymouth). {Which} (\hoitines\). Who, which very ones of a different character.

rwp@Matthew:21:42 @{The stone which} (\lithon hon\). Inverse attraction of the antecedent into the case of the relative. {The builders rejected} (\apedokimasan hoi oikodomountes\). From strkjv@Psalms:118:22|. A most telling quotation. These experts in building God's temple had rejected the corner-stone chosen by God for his own house. But God has the last word and sets aside the building experts and puts his Son as the Head of the corner. It was a withering indictment.

rwp@Matthew:21:43 @{Shall be taken away from you} (\arthˆsetai aph' h–m“n\). Future passive indicative of \air“\. It was the death-knell of the Jewish nation with their hopes of political and religious world leadership.

rwp@Matthew:21:44 @{Shall be broken to pieces} (\sunthlasthˆsetai\). Some ancient manuscripts do not have this verse. But it graphically pictures the fate of the man who rejects Christ. The verb means to shatter. We are familiar with an automobile that dashes against a stone wall, a tree, or a train and the ruin that follows. {Will scatter him as dust} (\likmˆsei\). The verb was used of winnowing out the chaff and then of grinding to powder. This is the fate of him on whom this Rejected Stone falls.

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