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* On that day Sadducees (those who say that there is no resurrection ) came to him . They asked him , * saying , "Teacher , Moses said , 'If a man dies , having no children , his brother shall marry his wife , and raise up seed for his brother .' * Now there were with us seven brothers . The first married and died , and having no seed left his wife to his brother . * In the same way , the second also , and the third , to the seventh . * After them all , the woman died . * In the resurrection therefore , whose wife will she be of the seven ? For they all had her ." * But Jesus answered them , "You are mistaken , not knowing the Scriptures , nor the power of God . * For in the resurrection they neither marry , nor are given in marriage , but are like God 's angels in heaven . * But concerning the resurrection of the dead , haven 't you read that which was spoken to you by God , saying , * 'I am the God of Abraham , and the God of Isaac , and the God of Jacob ?' {Exodus strkjv @3:6 } God is not the God of the dead , but of the living ." * When the multitudes heard it , they were astonished at his teaching .

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[BookofMatthew] [Matthew:21] [Matthew:22] [Matthew:23] [Discuss] Tag Matthew:22:23-33 [Audio][Presentation]