
rwp@Matthew:24:15 @{The abomination of desolation} (\to bdelugma tˆs erem“se“s\). An allusion to strkjv@Daniel:9:27; strkjv@11:31; strkjv@12:11|. Antiochus Epiphanes erected an altar to Zeus on the altar of Jehovah (1Macc. strkjv@1:54,59; strkjv@6:7; 2Macc. strkjv@6:1-5). The desolation in the mind of Jesus is apparently the Roman army (Luke:21:20|) in the temple, an application of the words of Daniel to this dread event. The verb \bdelussomai\ is to feel nausea because of stench, to abhor, to detest. Idolatry was a stench to God (Luke:16:15; strkjv@Revelation:17:4|). Josephus tells us that the Romans burned the temple and offered sacrifices to their ensigns placed by the eastern gate when they proclaimed Titus as Emperor.

rwp@Matthew:24:15 @{Let him that readeth understand} (\ho anaginosk“n noeit“\). This parenthesis occurs also in strkjv@Mark:13:14|. It is not to be supposed that Jesus used these words. They were inserted by Mark as he wrote his book and he was followed by Matthew.

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