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* Then the Malchut HaShomayim will be compared to eser almot (note :)ten virgins (:note ), who , having taken their menorahs , went out to meet the Chosson Bridegroom . * Now five of them were foolish and five were wise . * When the foolish took their menorahs , they neglected to take shemen (note :)oil (:note ). * But the wise took shemen in containers with their menorahs . * Now the Chosson , being delayed , here 's what happened : all the almot became drowsy and were sleeping . * And at chatsot halailah (note :)midnight (:note ) there was a shout , `Hinei ! The Chosson Bridegroom ! Go out to meet him !` * Then all the eser almot awakened and they trimmed their menorahs . * But the foolish said to the wise , `Give us from your shemen (note :)oil (:note ), for our menorahs are going out .` * But the wise answered , saying , `Perhaps there might not be enough for us and for you . Instead , you go to the ones selling and buy for yourselves .` * And as they were going away to buy , the Bias of the Chosson (note :)Bridegroom (:note ) occurred ! The ones prepared entered with him into the Chassuna Wedding feast and the door was shut . * And later , here comes also the other almot , saying , `Adoneinu , Adoneinu , open the door for us .` * But he , in reply , said , `Omein , I say to you , I do not know you .` * Be shomer , be on the alert , therefore , for you do not know the Yom or the Sha 'ah (note :)hour , time (:note ). USING ONE 'S TALENTS FOR REBBE ,MELECH HAMOSHIACH : A MASHAL TEACHING THAT WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR EVERY KISHROINOS TALENT * For it is as a man going on a journey , who called to his own avadim (note :)slaves (:note ) and handed over to them his possessions . * And to this one , he gave five talents , and to this one , two , and to this one , one , each according to his own ability . Then the man went on his journey . Immediately * after the man had gone , the one having received the five talents , went to work with them , and gained five others . * Likewise , the one having received the two talents--this one gained two others . * But the one , having received one , went out and dug a hole in the ground and buried the gelt (note :)money (:note ) of his Adon in a hiding place . * And after much time , here comes the Adon of those servants . And he conducts a settling of accounts with them . * Then the one who had received five talents came forward , bringing five more talents , saying , `Adoni , five talents you gave me . Hinei ! Five more talents I gained .` * And his Adon said to him , `Shkoyach (note :)well done (:note ), eved tov v 'ne 'eman ! good and faithful servant ! A few things you were faithful over , over many things I will ordain you . Enter into the simcha of your Adon . * And having come forward , the one having received two talents , said , `You bestowed upon me two talents . Hinei ! Two more talents I gained .` * His Adon said to him , `Shkoyach (note :)well done (:note ), eved tov v 'ne 'eman ! A few things you were faithful over , over many things I will ordain you . Enter into the simcha of your Adon .` * And also the one who had received one talent stepped forward . He said , `Adoni , I knew that you are a hard man , reaping where you did not sow and gathering from that which you did not scatter seed . * And having been afraid and having gone away , I hid your talent by burying it in the ground . Here , see , you have that which belongs to you .` * And , in reply , his Adon said to him , `You farbissener (note :)mean (:note ) eved rah v 'atzel wicked and lazy slave , so you knew that I reap where I did not sow and I gather from which I did not scatter seed ? * Then why was it not necessary for you to deposit my gelt with the bankers , and having returned , I would have received back that which was mine with interest ? * Take , therefore , from him the talent and give it to the one having the ten talents . * For to everyone having , it will be given and he will have abundance , but from the one not having , even what he has will be taken from him . * And as for the useless slave , throw him into the outer choshech . There will be weeping and grinding of teeth . REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE YOM HADIN OF THE NATIONS * And when the Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach (note :)Ben HaAdam (:note ) comes , in his kavod and all his malachim with him , then he will sit upon his Kissei Kavod Glorious Throne . * And there will be assembled all the Goyim , and He will separate them from each other as the Ro 'eh (note :)the Shepherd (:note ) separates the Kevasim Sheep from the Izzim Goats . * And Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach will put the Kevasim on the right of him , but the Izzim on his left . * Then HaMelech HaMoshiach will say to the ones on his right , `Come ! Baruchei Avi (note :)Blessed of my Father (:note ), receive the bechorah inheritance , the Malchut prepared for you from before Hivvased HaOlam the establishing of the world . * For I hungered and you gave me something to eat . I thirsted and you gave drink to me . I was a sojourner , and you extended hachnosat orchim (note :)hospitality (:note ) to me . * I was naked and you gave me malbish arumim (note :)clothing the naked (:note ). I was ill and with bikkur cholim visiting the sick you ministered to me . I was in the beit hasohar prison and you came to me .` * Then the tzaddikim will answer Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , `Adoneinu , when did we see you hungering and we fed you , or thirsting and we gave you drink ? * And when did we see you a sojourner and we extended hachnosat orchim (note :)hospitality (:note ) to you , or naked and we clothed you ? * And when did we see you ill or in the beit hasohar and we came to you ?` * And , in reply , Rebbe HaMelech HaMoshiach will say to them , `Omein , I say to you , in as much as you did it to one of the least of these achim of mine , you did it to me .` * Then Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach will say also to the ones on his left , `Depart from me , the ones having been cursed , into the Aish Olam having been prepared for Hasatan and his malachim . * For I hungered and you did not give me something to eat , I thirsted and you did not give drink to me . * I was a sojourner and you did not extend hachnosat orchim to me , I was naked and you did not clothe me , ill and in the beit hasohar and you did not visit me . * Then also they will answer , saying , `Adoneinu , when did we see you hungering or thirsting or a sojourner or naked or sick or in the beit hasohar and we did not minister to you ? * Then Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach will answer them , saying , `Omein , I say to you , in as much as you did not do it for one of these least ones , neither for me did you do it . * And these will go away into Onesh Olam (note :)Eternal Punishment *(:note ), but the tzaddikim into Chayyei Olam Eternal Life .`

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